NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Cseh 2014

Let's see... dink help brother get great Dall, Khunter get good antelope and Oak a great buck. Purdy darn sexy if you ask me.

No dance off needed. Maybe next year Cush. :W:
Let's see... dink help brother get great Dall, Khunter get good antelope and Oak a great buck. Purdy darn sexy if you ask me.

No dance off needed. Maybe next year Cush. :W:

Cush made some might fine manly meals on several hunts. Murdered a nice goat. Sported flip flops on a stalk like a champ. Doesn't have pasty white legs.

This is a no brainer
Dink is a tenacious incumbent with a smitten posse....say that 10 times rapidly.
I've eaten Cushmans chili. Dink doesn't post pictures of his hottie neighbor anymore. Sorry Dink.
I guess I'll have to vote on hearsay - flip flops / hottie neighbor / chili / crossbow -
Pretty hard to ignore the flip flop situation.