Caribou Gear Tarp

Crybaby Montanans..............

Wow Dink! What a stud buck. Congrats!

Bet you were peeing your pants a little as you pursued him down the draw for another shot. Would like to know if Oak has any video of that fire drill ��
Great buck! Glad you were able to connect. Just wondering though, can your Colorado Supersaurus dig like this?


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Holy chit that's a great buck! He's lucky you saved him from the Supersaurus. Luckily, in between boxes of rounds you were sending downrange at him, he had time to pass on his genes 3 more times.

After looking at each of the videos of bucks you passed, the question of "What the hell am I doing wrong?" became a little repetitive and my wife was concerned that I'd had a stroke.
Keep those cold-blooded, meat-eating lizards in CO. Maybe we should put up a border fence? We'll sell it to the Wyoming public as trying to keep the Pot (and Pot-Heads) out of Wyoming but we all know what it will really be for. Congrats on a nice bull and great buck.