Crispi Boots


New member
Oct 23, 2016
Northern California
I'm giving some serious thought to the Crispi Idahos.
I've never had anything more than Danners, and have had at least a dozen pairs. The one thing I did notice was the sole on the Crispis was noticeably stiffer, they did feel good and clearly I liked them, but I'm just a little reluctant with the price.
I really love all the different opinions from everyone and fully realize what works for one may not for another.
Tell me what you think.
Thank you to everyone !!!
I wore out a pair of Idahos a couple of years ago. I put two very hard years on them and they served me well . IF they fit your feet I think you will be happy with them. I wouldn't even say the word Danner in the same breath as good boots, but that's my opinion. I've never regretted spending money on good boots, but I've regretted shitty boots.