Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Crap week


Oct 7, 2011
East Helena, MT
I am not, by any means, looking for sympathy. I am looking for a place to vent. The past few days have benn SHITTY. My 7 year ol daughter was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia due to her issues with her tonsils being out. We won't know if she will need surgery for a couple of days. And today, I found out that I basically will be out of a job within the next few months. Sorry for the venting, but I had to do it, and would rather not complain to my family at this time.

Sorry to hear of your painful circumstances, brother. I'd like to share a couple verses that have been a help to me when times get dark. From 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all you care upon Him, for he careth for you."

When I can't see my way through and things seem beyond my control to provide what my family needs, there is a passage in Matthew 6: 25-34 that helps me keep things in perspective. If God provides for the needs of animals and plants He states that he cares even more for us and will also provide for our needs.

Sorry for the venting, but I had to do it, and would rather not complain to my family at this time
It's all good man, better to shield them from seeing your frustrations than adding to the stress that each one of them has too.
Nothing wrong with venting to your hunting buddies. That's what we're here for. Prayers for you and your family. God bless.
I will say a prayer for you and your daughter young man. Times are certainly tough, stay strong and positive.
I am not, by any means, looking for sympathy. I am looking for a place to vent. The past few days have benn SHITTY. My 7 year ol daughter was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia due to her issues with her tonsils being out. We won't know if she will need surgery for a couple of days. And today, I found out that I basically will be out of a job within the next few months. Sorry for the venting, but I had to do it, and would rather not complain to my family at this time.

It's always hard when loved ones are sick, and there is nothing you can do about it.

I'm not one to give advice about jobs(i quit mine for hunting season), but something always comes up. Money is about the worst thing in the world to worry about. I've never read a tombstone that read, "he worked 40 hours a week for 50 years"
Prayers said for you and your family.
God has a reason for everything he does.

My boss told me he's closing the company I work for next month. Trying to figure out if this is my opportunity to finally move out West...
The only constant in life is CHANGE. Have faith your daughter is strong and will get through this and become even stronger.

Hope it works out that while you are seeking that next career opportunity ... you will have extra time to enjoy the best hunting season ever.

Best of luck to you. Prayers are for your well being.
Hopefully things will turn around and things will turn out for the better. Our thought are with you. Keep your head up, may be a good opportunity for a new career!
Keep your head up and I will pary for her. Things could be a lot worse....thank
God that is the only thing wrong with your daughter and its not worse....My son hurt his back in school back in June...he didnt really complain but after 10 days my wife and I took him to a pediatric orthopedist. Next day MRI. Day after...broken back and a complete torso brace for 3 months. So I feel your pain trust me. He could not have been closer to a wheel chair for life than he was.....thank God he will be just fine and is back playing soccer now . His football career is finnished before it even started but thats fine with me.....sucks about your job...get out there and start looking now before the hatchet falls. Again keep your head up!......:cool:
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! They must be working!! My daughter had an XRay done today, and they couldn't find the hernia. They think it might be something called a sliding hiatal hernia. Which basically means it might be one that comes and goes. So surgery might not be needed! Again thanks for all your support!!! I am sure the job will work out, maybe I'll have hunting season to hunt instead of work.... :D
sounds like some good news for your daughter, hopefully it doesn't give her too much of a problem. As far as the job, I know what you are going thru, I went through it a couple years ago, and it can be hard on the nerves. Just keep your head up and everything will work out. Good luck
Thanks guys for all the words of encouragement! They have helped a ton. It also looks like the job situation is going to be just fine. I'd like to think you guys had a LOT to do with it!!!

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