Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Cow behavior?


Aug 5, 2015
Hey All,

I have done some serious searching regarding cow elk behavior in the different seasons, particularly late/post rut. I've come up with pretty much nothing.
LOTS of info about how bulls behave: looking for food, looking for sanctuary places, etc..
But there seems to be an assumption that we already know how the cows behave.

Does anyone have any insight for us meat-only hunters? I hunt the rifle seasons here in Colorado, and I am going to the same unit every year to get familiar with it,
but I don't know enough about cow behavior to be successful.

Do cows look for the same things as bulls post-rut? Obviously they need food/water/shelter, but are the cows likely to hole up in the deep dark recesses of the forest,
or are they less nervous about things? What is DIFFERENT about cow behavior relative to bull behavior?

Any info or sources of info are appreciated.


Who knows what they will want to eat, haha??? Almost to some foraging, then decide at the last second to switch to browsing.^^^^
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I too would like to hear if anyone has help and advice about cows vs bulls. I have two cow tags this year (one archery, one 3rd rifle). Hoping to turn last year's "almost" into success.
The cows will herd up and only the smallest bulls will stay with them. They will be concentrating on feed. Where I hunt late season we'll see herds of hundreds at a time with only spikes and a few rag horns with them. My experience is the cows head to easy feed while the bulls take to the higher, steeper ground to recover from the rut.
They will usually be where there is easy feed & water ,usually. Out in open many times, but can be very spooky after the bull hunts.They tend to calm down & break into smaller herds for a couple weeks in Nov. before bunching back into giant herds in winter. At least what I have seen around my place.
Had 30 here for breakie this morn with lots of calves.
Good Luck & Good Hunting!
Love my trophy cows!lol
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