Couldn't take it any longer...had to join!


Active member
Jun 28, 2018
Finally caved and registered for the forum. I've been a long time lurker on here and follower of Randy's podcast and shows. I told myself I didn't need to join a forum (less social media the better for the most part), but there are just too many good discussions and helpful information shared on HT to not actively participate.

I grew up hunting in Wisconsin, and was fortunate to make my first western hunting trip when I was 12 (WY antelope). I moved to CO after college 8 years ago, and have been steadily figuring out the western public lands hunting game over that time. I currently hunt multiple tags in CO and WY every year, and am looking to expand into additional states in the near future.

I love the content of this forum, and I look forward to actively participating!
Welcome. How about that jump in CO applications this year? Yowza. Will that jump change your application strategy for 2019? If draw and fall to 0 points for a species then might be challenging to draw what were 0 and 1 point hunts without 2 or 3 points. Time will tell.
Thanks fellas!

LopeHunter, I hear you on the major application increase. I spent my first six years in CO accumulating points since I figured that would "buy" me a good hunt down the road and I didn't really know what i was doing at the time so didn't want to burn a point or two early on lacking experience. Then, as I started to learn the leftover/2nd choice/OTC areas better, I realized i could have decent-to-great hunts every year instead of hoping for a "some day". In fact, my points were really holding me back from some hunts i really wanted to do (ex. tags with decent odds that draw out at first choice that i really wanted to hunt) that I couldn't because i didn't want to burn my points on a 0 point unit. So this year I burned my 6 elk points on a RFW late season E/S tag that only took 4 points to get out of the points game for elk. My future strategy for elk and deer revolves around 0 point units, OTC, and leftovers (thankfully the units i have in mind didn't take much of a hit this year with the extra applicants, we will see if that continues).
Thanks guys, I love to see so much of the US represented here. Lots of great perspectives!
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