Could this be The Corporal

WTF comes to mind !!! I've never had any problems from here.... Well Besides the Corperal that Looked up and Emailed my Boss at my last job telling him something about sueing because I posted durring work hours and I should be watched or something or other. My boss was like, "Who is this nut job ?". I have had 2 guys from Monster Mulies call my house. One this year and one 3-5 years back. Some people Actually "FREAK OUT" if you say anything. I have worried about guys like the one in the story above but in general, I would hope most people can Separate the two worlds. I know guys that go to bed after Logging off a fight on Hunttalk and before the Morning coffee are already online looking at responces.

Although I love the entertainment factor I sure don't need to loose any sleep over it or drive 1300 miles to burn a guys place down !! HAHA !!
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