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Corner Crossing

You should give the new OnX video a look. I think it is called Landlocked and Mr. Newberg gives a solid explanation of corner crossing. It is a legal gray area, but I wouldn't do it.
I am curious if there was anything in writing from the state on the subject. I am currently researching ranches out east, trying to get my step son his first deer, and one of the ranches stated that they did not allow corner crossing- this is a BLM ranch, I am assuming a lease land. I would like to know if it was okay for them to state that?
Thanks for finding this.

In this case the actual corner cross was thrown out. Crossing a "gap" is an entirely different issue that I would call trespass.
Does anyone know if Cherry was cited for criminal trespass on the corner crossing? or was it civil trespass?
I believe cherry was convicted of criminal trespass and he is now being sued civilly.

The rule of law doesn’t work based on sooth seeing of what might happen, the gray area creates opportunities for scoundrels on both sides.
I believe cherry was convicted of criminal trespass and he is now being sued civilly.

After reading this case breakdown it seems this isn't a true corner and that it was an 80ft section that didn't connect to the public portion. So a conviction was surely warranted IMO.
After reading this case breakdown it seems this isn't a true corner and that it was an 80ft section that didn't connect to the public portion. So a conviction was surely warranted IMO.
Agreed and you are correct. There are two different instances here. One was dismissed and one resulted in a conviction. Very different circumstances and the two should not be confused.