PEAX Equipment

Cooney, best choice for sportsmen.

Although Cooney will probably be an extension of Bullock’s elk hating administration, I still think he’s the better choice when compared to Greg.
Gianforte body slammed a journalist in 2017 and only got a fine and community service, and a small donation to a press charity... this guy sounds like a terrible person. Still won reelection the next year.
Although Cooney will probably be an extension of Bullock’s elk hating administration, I still think he’s the better choice when compared to Greg.

Lots of us have been working with Cooney in this. Just as we answered the call when Tim Fox sent out his request, we answered for Mike.

The elk council continues under Cooney.

Under Gianforte, we get ranching for wildlife.
I think the election is going to be close, close, close. If we get Gianforte, we deserve everything that flows from that choice. It's not like he doesn't throw out hints from time to time where he is coming from.
Unfortunate the vast majority of voters are politically aligned and vote accordingly - regardless. Speaking for the Rs and Ds equally.
Unfortunate there's much more on the table than public land.
I'm sold on Cooney for our future generation's outdoors enjoyment.

As for other aspects...

I'm leaning towards Cooney.
We've been supporting Cooney - and am planning to do so again this month - I think he is the best choice for Hunters. I think it is going to be close - I am hopeful anyway.
I have never voted for a Democrat in my life, but will not cast my vote for Gianforte.
In Montana the governor has to be pretty conservative by national standards so I am OK voting for Cooney.
Cooney has my vote though I believe G wins easily. Reason being the numbers of total votes in the primary. IIRC, 225k total R votes, and 148k D votes. That's a lot of votes to make up. Unfortunately, hunting for the average person will certainly not get better.
Voted for Fox in the primary and would have voted for him over Cooney in the general. I will be voting for Cooney over Gianforte.
Cooney has my vote though I believe G wins easily. Reason being the numbers of total votes in the primary. IIRC, 225k total R votes, and 148k D votes. That's a lot of votes to make up. Unfortunately, hunting for the average person will certainly not get better.
Keep in mind Biden was going to be the nomination for president by that point. There was no real race to decide. So there could've been less turnout because of it.
Keep in mind Biden was going to be the nomination for president by that point. There was no real race to decide. So there could've been less turnout because of it.

That is a fair point. I voted for Fox in the primary,,hoping to keep Gianforte from winning the nomination. While I would not have voted for Fox this fall,,I could live with him being governor pretty easily.
Keep in mind Biden was going to be the nomination for president by that point. There was no real race to decide. So there could've been less turnout because of it.

Couldn’t the same be said for Trump was also of course going to be the nominee and there was no real race to decide?
Couldn’t the same be said for Trump was also of course going to be the nominee and there was no real race to decide?

Primary voters are not the same beast as general voters. The GOP usually turns out a higher number of primary voters in MT due to the self-identified partisan split, yet they tend to ticket split during the general. If you look at the vote counts for the selected, you get a better understanding of two things:
1.) How much money they spent
2.) What their level of support w/in the party is in general.

You do not get a better understanding of the general voting populace, however.

Right now, this race is tight. Within 1-3 points and w/in the margin of error in all polls that I've seen. Given how much of his own money Gianforte has put into the race, it shouldn't be this close, but as some have mentioned, Gigi isn't a likeable fellow.

Here's the debate from the weekend in case you missed it:
Couldn’t the same be said for Trump was also of course going to be the nominee and there was no real race to decide?
I could be wrong, but I also think there were more competitive statewide races (like Fox) on the Republican primary ticket.

I briefly met Gianforte at the parade at Bucking Horse a few years back, and I was with a family that were former neighbors of his. He didn't even say hi, just asked if he had our vote and walked away before we could answer. He seemed like an out-of-touch jerk then and I don't think anything's changed.
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