Cooler choice


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
North Dakota
I am finally going to pull the trigger on a high end cooler and I can't make a decision. Hoping a few out there have some pro's and con's on the choices I have narrowed my search down to.

1. Orca 75 quart
2. Engle 80 quart
3. Siberian 85 quart

I am really leaning towards the Orca and not interested in a Yeti as I feel the extra money is just for the nam.

Please help with some advise and you input is appreciated.
I have 2 large Yetis and am very happy with my purchase. I understand your opinion but they still make a high quality product. Have you thought about looking into Orion Coolers? If I was to do it all over again I would take a long look at them. A lot of features for a cooler.
Not sure I can help you as I am a "name" owner. That said, my "name " cooler has taken some serious physical abuse. I only hope whatever other cooler you choose is just as tough regardless of how long it keeps ice.
I have a Pelican 65 so I am not much help. I like the features I got with the Pelican. Agree that a portion of what you pay for with the Yeti is the name.
Checkout. This site outfitters- gear .com there in Washington state. I'm still wavering on the 115 qt to your door $349
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Cons are those are all over priced when a $40 cooler will do unless you are leaving it outside in bear country.
Cons are those are all over priced when a $40 cooler will do unless you are leaving it outside in bear country.

Over priced? I guess that depends on what type of hunts you are doing. If you hunt any type of big game in remote country in August through early October when temps can be extreme they are worth every penny. Personally, the meat is my #1 priority and when hunting solo or even with one other hunter it may take multiple trips to get the animal out of the backcountry. If you are on day 6 of a 10 day hunt where temps have been in the 80s+ and you are 2 + hours from the nearest town, coming back to a cooler full of water does me no good. Most of the high end coolers will hold ice for 9 to 10 days if packed properly. To me, that is gold.

Also, I will own one high end cooler (that typically comes with a minimum 5 year warranty) for 10+ years instead of buying 3 $50-$100 coolers in that span with plastic handles that break constantly, are a pain to drain, don't hold ice for long before it melts creating water at the bottom and unwanted moisture, and that don't hold up to rough use over an extended period of time.

I would agree however if you strictly hunt in late November and December where you don't need much ice if any. Then just go for a wal mart special.
Cons are those are all over priced when a $40 cooler will do unless you are leaving it outside in bear country.

I'm of the same opinion. None of my $50 dollar Coleman's have fallen apart, and they hold ice as long as I can expect. Lots of more important gear to upgrade in my opinion.
I can buy a lot of ice for the difference in cooler costs. My 150qt from SAMs has served me well. Last year it held a block for six days plus bags and I bought a few bags on way home but six days and from wyoming to missouri.
Over priced? I guess that depends on what type of hunts you are doing. If you hunt any type of big game in remote country in August through early October when temps can be extreme they are worth every penny. Personally, the meat is my #1 priority and when hunting solo or even with one other hunter it may take multiple trips to get the animal out of the backcountry. If you are on day 6 of a 10 day hunt where temps have been in the 80s+ and you are 2 + hours from the nearest town, coming back to a cooler full of water does me no good. Most of the high end coolers will hold ice for 9 to 10 days if packed properly. To me, that is gold.

Also, I will own one high end cooler (that typically comes with a minimum 5 year warranty) for 10+ years instead of buying 3 $50-$100 coolers in that span with plastic handles that break constantly, are a pain to drain, don't hold ice for long before it melts creating water at the bottom and unwanted moisture, and that don't hold up to rough use over an extended period of time.

I would agree however if you strictly hunt in late November and December where you don't need much ice if any. Then just go for a wal mart special.

Are you kidding me... NONE and I mean NONE of those $400 coolers will hold ice for 9-10 days..and none of them will claim or "guarentee" 9-10 days AFAIK. I have hunted WY in that heat and I have 2 coleman eXtremes and they hold ice just as long as any of the $400 coolers.

I'm not trying to start a pissing match here, you want a $400 cooler and think it will hold ice for 9-10 days...more power to you. You asked for pros and cons, based on my research, a con is spending 10x as much for a cooler when $40 will do.

Here is video for your viewing pleasure...

I'm just trying to save you money, even though I spent $900 on a rifle when a $500 one would probably do :)
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Disclaimer: I don't own a high end cooler as I can't afford one right now.

That said, the things I hate about regular coolers goes beyond ice holding capability. Flimsy carry handles. Crappy latches that tear. Lids that warp or cave in with the slightest weight on top. Leaky drain plugs. The list goes on. For me, it would be worth it for the sturdiness factor. I just wish the high end stuff would have more options like roller wheels, extending carry/pull handle (for the roller wheel models), etc.

I hunt in 90+ temps during archery antelope season and never had an issue with Coleman Extremes not holding and maintaining ice. Before I leave for any hunt I freeze a bunch of gallon milk jugs full of water and put them in the coolers. On the HT bear hunts in May when I'm gone for well over a week, the jugs are still partially frozen when I return home. That cuts down nicely on the amount of ice I need on the trip. I use the same idea on my fall trips and get the same results. I've had no issues with the coolers coming apart either. I replaced one hinge that was my own fault for breaking, and not the cooler's issue. So, I will continue to buy and use Coleman Extreme coolers and not lose a wink of sleep over not spending $400 on a 'big' name brand one.
I have 3 big Igloos that have worked just fine for years.One smaller Coleman carries perishable,non frozen foods & drink.
I carry/store gear in them when not in cooler mode,even on hunts.Boots & camp .
My only gripe is rain gets in the Igloos.So I use a tarp which actually shades & cools them.
I finally broke one hinge last year when I was unloading my roof rack in camp and dropped it. 15 yr old cooler.
I freeze food in ziplocks & containers during the off season for hunts and do the 1/2 gal milk jug frozen water. 4 jugs & my food has kept a block of ice & one cooler cold for a week.I had to take a couple of bottles out for water last year and they were still half frozen after 5 days.
Each of us have had different experiences. I got fed up with the bad ones so I went to a high end cooler a few years ago and won't go back. I guess until you personally do a test yourself it's hard to know what to do. If something works for you don't try and fix it, I needed a change and I was blown away.

I had used Colemans for years but got sick of paying a yearly $40 for handle and hinge replacements. Did that 3 years in a row.

Regardless, John's frozen water jug method is the only way to go!
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It's amazing how much emotion a cooler debate can stir up.

I don't own a high end cooler. My Colemans are all sporting garden hose replacement hinges, and I need to order more latches. If I used coolers more than I do, these would be gone in a heartbeat and I'd own a high end one. Until my three money leechettes are out of the house, that will have to wait.

Depending on how hard one uses a cooler, I'm sure there is a benefit to "buy once cry once", just like many other pieces of gear (including the $900 rifle).
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