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New member
Nov 20, 2001
Tuckerton, NJ
One of the guys that works next door at the campus store was visiting his
sister who lives in a small town just outside of Ithaca on the west side of
Cayuga Lake. While they were standing outside talking, all of a sudden a
fawn came walking out of the field of tall grass behind the house and walked
right up to his sister. The fawn was still covered in afterbirth. They
couldn't figure out why it wasn't with the doe or that she wasn't close by.
They looked all over for quite some time and couldn't find her, so they
figure she most likely died giving birth. They dried the fawn off and
contacted a vet to see what they could possibly feed it and the vet told them
what to do. I guess it figures Norm's sister is its mother.



what you'll want to do is keep it from doing much running and feed it plenty of might try adding just a tad of surgar to the milk at each feeding.

important: harvest time is critical here! want to wait until the spots are just about early and the meat will have a "green" taste...wait to long and the meat looses some of its tenderness.
just look at it as a piece of fruit, wait till its ripe and then eat.

wow, you guys are lucky, looks delicious.
JB thats just wrong!!

ohh, you doupt that adding surgar to the milk will make the meat taste sweeter..........too bad we dont have twin fawns here, we could do a test to see if it works.