Caribou Gear

Conservation Groups


Nov 2, 2015
So I think it is really time to put my money where my mouth is. I want to find a conservation group that is worthy of my support, both time and money, but I don't know which one would be best and frankly beneficial to me. I've done some research on sites like charity navigator to get started, but many of the groups are too small to get rated. The other issue I would have is many of the groups aren't local to me. So I guess I should mention that I hunt in Central Illinois, with the quarry being doves, whitetail, turkey, ducks and geese. I'd do more upland birds, but they just aren't around.

Locally there are chapters of Pheasants Forever and DU. Given the recent moves by DU I'm rather hesitant. There is also a local sportsman's club, but they focus more on fishing than hunting. RMEF and TRCP look like great organizations, but they seem to focus more on the west, and my odds of going out of state are rather low at this time, and I think I'd have a better chance of becoming Governor than seeing elk reintroduce. So what would you kind folks think?
Contact your state game & fish department. They likely have projects that use volunteer work. They can probably give you a heads up on which organizations do good work in your area that you could donate to.
Not necessarily. Please visit the RMEF website and discover the many elk reintroduction projects and the wildlife habitat enhancement successes in places other than the western states.
I have checked. There was a feasibility study nearly 20 years ago. Residents in the affected area effectively shot it down. I wouldn't expect anything to change in that. It seems the only lobbies that are near as powerful as unions in this state are the insurance companies and the farmers. Thus my skepticism.
I am very involved with Pheasants Forever and would be happy to provide you details. Unlike the other conservation groups, PF's financial model is to allow all funds raised by the chapter except membership to stay at the local level. Your local committee decides how to spend every dime. So they spend their money on local projects like youth, habitat, etc.
I live in WV, I belong to BHA, RMEF, TU, & Izaac Walton League. I just recently learned of how much great work has been done by the Nature Conservancy in WV - so I need to be supporting them as well. But sending in a few dollars is not enough. We have mounting wildlife management issues here, so I need to start attending State DNR (Dept. of Natural Resource) meetings. The hunting population here is being split in two factions - the "I kill 'em over corn" majority and the "I can no longer kill 'em because I do not use corn" minority. Couple this with the back-country being over-run by out-of-state bear hunters with dogs and trucks, and there is a need for more people to step-up on behalf of conservation. That was a lot of hyph-on-ated words wasn't it? lol
Keep in mind that you own the federal lands out west just as much as we do, and they offer a lot more than just hunting. If you ever dream of coming out, or your kids having the opportunity to come out, to camp, hike, hunt, fish, sightsee, snowshoe, or anything else on our public lands then TRCP or similar organizations would be a good investment.
TRCP, RMEF, BHA & NWF are organizations that do great work for sportsmen regardless of where you hunt, or how you hunt. TRCP, BHA & NWF focus heavily on federal conservation issues like the Farm Bill, LWCF, Funding for conservation, etc. Those programs benefit wildlife greatly, and in turn, help ensure hunters & anglers have a place to hunt & fish. RMEF is a key player in issues like funding for LWCF, helping make conservation easement tax benefits permanent, etc.

I'm not familiar with local groups, but each of those groups probably has a local affiliate in your state. I tend to gravitate towards the state wildlife federation model, since they are made up of several clubs & organizations in-state. BHA chapters are all volunteer and work on state level issues as well.
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