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Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus


New member
Nov 28, 2001
New Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus Leadership Announced
The Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (CSC) announced its new, bi-partisan leadership for the 108th Congress as members of Congress returned to Washington last week. The new chairmen and vice-chairmen will lead the 300 members of the CSC in its efforts to champion sportsmen and women in the federal legislative process, and to secure funding for habitat conservation and fish and wildlife research. Established in 1989, the CSC works to protect the interests of America's hunters, anglers and trappers.

California Democratic Congressman Mike Thompson and North Carolina Republican Congressman Robin Hayes will chair the House Caucus and will be supported by Nevada Republican Congressman Jim Gibbons and Iowa Democratic Congressman Leonard Boswell as the vice-chairs. The Senate chairs, Arkansas Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Wyoming Republican Sen. Mike Enzi, and vice-chairs, Idaho Republican Sen. Mike Crapo and Monana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, serve 4-year terms and will remain in the same positions they held in the prior Congress.

"Sportsmen and the outdoor industry are fortunate to have such great champions for their interests in Congress," said Melinda Gable, executive director of the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF), which provides research and educational support to the CSC. "With these members chairing the CSC and working with the CSF, we'll make sure the needs of sportsmen and the outdoor industry are heard in the 108th Congress."