Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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Out of respect I sat and listened to your stupid shit on Youtube, so out of respect you owe me and every True Montana Sportsman the same; and get off your wiseass and check the facts about your "old buddy Jon Lewton"?

Slowtalkin southerners in South Gawga sat back and laughed till they shit themselves about how they'd "go on baiting, and shinin deer at night, and use an M-16 on a herd if they damend well pleased..?!"

Now they all stand around like dip shits and wonder why there's no where left to hunt?


When I moved here from Gawga I was fond of making fun of my old red-necks back home and occasionaly got downright mad at some of the stupid assed stuff that happened and eventually ruined most of the hunting in that state; enough to where a guy I worked with at a fly shop stopped me and warned:..."You do know there's a shit load of red necks out here too, dont ya..?"

"Naw, I cant imagine. Not even close to the ones I've seen?" I told him

"No, I'm pretty sure we do, in fact your likely to find they're even worse!" he told me

I was certain he was nuts and exagerating until just now after your stupid assed post and link to what will be the nail in the coffin of the publics' access to hunting private land in Montana and an Anthem before its' over you guys can listen too when your standing around scratching your heads saying:.....

..."Damn we aint nowhere to hunt no more fer sum reason..?"

I can't wait till this is over and just goes away, i'm sick of hearing of it. Not a Lewton fan at all but not a fan of a bunch of inept jackasses at the FWP office either. Unbelievable that we had to have a world class animal sacrificed for this and then all the tax dollars wasted.............

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My truck is from back east and it keeps breaking down too. Both the front shock mounts were busted when i bought it and the tires were shot. Then I the brake line rusted through(twice). Last winter the inside door handle busted one cold morning on my way to work. Then the starter fried when diesel leaked down into it. After I changed out the starter and replaced the fuel filter, the water pump went out. After I changed out the water pump ( a royal PITA), the last rusty section of brake line gave out. Then just yesterday, the inside door handle that I just replaced broke again. If I hadnt paid twice what its worth a couple years ago id send it down the road. :confused::eek::rolleyes:
To conclude, if charges are dropped I'll post who said what and be done with it, but you wont likely hear me change my opinion on anything I've typed unless some amazing new evidence debunks everything we know already? If that comes to light and/or FWP all of a sudden says "they made a terrible mistake and had the wrong guy", I'll go on-record, apologize to both subjects and the media, and ask for forgiveness on here for stearing you folks wrong, and never log-onto Hunt Talk again;.

..but dont start celebrating just yet; cause it aint likely to happen..


Aquittal is more final than dropping charges. So clearly it was a mistrial, the jury was rigged, or something like that.. your ultra secret evidence didn't pull through. Bummer. Maybe FWP can reserve a few more breaks sheep permits for the next try.
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Moe will get back to you after he is done fixing the Slurpee machine. It is hot and Slurpee sales are important to the bottom line.
There is nothing funny about a guy reaching his Slurpee sales quota and receiving the “Bonus” carton of Camels for his service.

It is what drives a man to work those long hours.
Aquittal is more final than dropping charges. So clearly it was a mistrial, the jury was rigged, or something like that.. your ultra secret evidence didn't pull through. Bummer. Maybe FWP can reserve a few more breaks sheep permits for the next try.

You can highlight in BOLD the parts 'you like Greenhorn', just like 'reading the parts you want too in the thread itself' and ignoring the key points (like that neither jury ever heard about the illegal Super Tag connection).

To conclude, if charges are dropped I'll post who said what and be done with it, but you wont likely hear me change my opinion on anything I've typed unless some amazing new evidence debunks everything we know already? If that comes to light and/or FWP all of a sudden says "they made a terrible mistake and had the wrong guy", I'll go on-record, apologize to both subjects and the media, and ask for forgiveness on here for stearing you folks wrong, and never log-onto Hunt Talk again;.

..but dont start celebrating just yet; cause it aint likely to happen..


You missed the first part of the paragraph as usual..and the last....(both I highlighted)....

I'll make no apologize on here since 'no new evidence was submitted to counter the charges' and FWP never dropped anything and went after him in two trials...and have yet to say "they had the wrong man?!"; nor are they likely to ever do so.

Hell you prolly think OJ was innocent...he was 'acquitted too' you know?:rolleyes:

...Like to stay and chat, but gotta run...I'm late for 3 to 11 shift where I sell slurpies to your kiddies, but spit in them first.

I didn't miss anything and rarely do.

FWP screwed the pooch, period. I don't know jack about John Lewton, whether he trespasses or not, or how hard he'd knock you on your ass if you showed up at his house and called him a poacher to his face.
I didn't miss anything and rarely do.

FWP screwed the pooch, period. I don't know jack about John Lewton, whether he trespasses or not, or how hard he'd knock you on your ass if you showed up at his house and called him a poacher to his face.

I'm lost, you mean you dont even care if he's a tresspasser...are you just playing devils advocate this whole time and have no point:rolleyes:??

As to me having strong opinions about this and posting about it, I find you becoming more hypocritcal by the minute... I suppose everyone online are supposed to never logon and make comments about anyone because we might never see them in person now..:rolleyes:?

Great argument there, lets go back and see if any of your 4,000 posts adressed any politicians or celebrities or others who you said something about negatively and didn't go see them face to face?!


I would think Lewton has a long list of folks in Montana against him on this thing (the state prosecutors office, landowners in 608, the entire department of FWP, and several folks in the media), I doubt I'm even in his radar...:rolleyes:?!

But if I am so be it...I'll tell him he's a poacher...I aint skeeeered!

And FYI, just becuase this little forum was kinda quiet on his guilt, there's another national one Outdoor Life / Field and that has about 50,000 more members than here; that was far and away against Lewton and his illegal acts by the majority of posts (over the past two years).
You might be thinking I'm very much alone in this idea or thought of his guilt, even after the verdict, since you dont log-in elsewhere..?

But you'd be wrong (again).

You are dumb. It's as simple as that. And if I did recognize you while filling up at Loaf & Jug, I'd tell you how dumb I think you are.

I've typed it many times.. I don't know anything about John Lewton, other than he's sheep obsessed and there's plenty of talk about him breaking laws. Yet, when it comes down to it.. he's never been found guilty of breaking any law that I know of. Which law did he break and how do you know?

What's annoying to me, are assholes like you who know nothing first-hand - but are hell bent on running somebody into the dirt based on rumors or what somebody else tells you, all behind the security of the keyboard in your trailer.
That reminds me! Three fourth of Julys ago I backed my truck into a rock on Boot Hill in Virgina City and poked a hole in my rusty rear differential cover. It leaked pretty bad for awhile.
Moe, Greenhorn.....I've got a couple pairs of boxing gloves. Maybe we all meet in Bozeman and have our 1st ever OYO boxing match? I'm just saying...........agree to disagree, no use pushing each others opinions down each others throats on line.
Plus it's way more entertaining to do it in person were everyone can watch.:D
MontanaDogs, If there was ever a HutnTalk or OYOA (Or :p ) boxing match I'm sure there would be many people a head of Greeny and Moe.