Colorado ski partners wanted

So far the buddy heater has been working quite well on subzero nights.
The outer tent definitely gets a sheet of ice on it, but I thinks that’s got more to do the temperature swings from -13 to 30.
Even when there has been a sheet of ice on the outer tent, I’ve been able to fire up that heater and the ice kinda just melts off and rolls down the sides of the outer tent.
A few drops get on the outside of the inner tent, but apparently it’s waterproof enough that it’s not an issue.
New favorite animal.
From now on I want everyone to refer to me as “the ermine”
I saw one of these pop out of the snow, scamper across the slope, grab a mouse and shoot back down his hole.
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They are a super cool little critter. The first time I saw one I had no idea what I was looking at, I'd never heard of a white weasel before.
First one I ever saw was when I was 12 years old (first trip to deer camp)- was in the outhouse doing my business!
Tonight while I was crushing vert, just before i got to the top of super bee I looked up and saw a fox at like 15yds, but there’s been rumors of wolves in summit co so I totally shit my pants at first and thought I was gonna have to mirk a whole pack with my French skis like John Dudley did with his bow when he was processing an elk in a den.
But it turned out to just be a nice fox and he walked with me for a few steps then ran away.
How pissed would @wllm1313 be if ole Doug greentree got one of the first confirmed pics of a wolf in summit?
My parents had an ermine move into their northern MN farmhouse one winter in 2008 or so. My mom said they had the least mice ever that winter. It mainly stayed hidden during the day but occasionally would pop it's head out from under the fridge or elsewhere. My younger sister was in high school and one morning woke up feeling some movement and then had a stare down as the ermine stood on her blankets. She is not a fan.
So far I’ve done like 10 nights in the tent, 2 nights in a hotel room (paid for by the rents #millenial), 2 nights at tinder girls and 5 nights in the passenger seat of the Hugo thot (my jeep).
Currently trying to decide if I want to hike into a new spot and set up the tent or just crash in the passenger seat for another week.
Not gonna lie, the heated passenger seat is Gucci af.
But at the same time, this morning while I was organizing my car at the trailhead this dude came sliding out on a set of navis freebirds and I was like
“Sweet crows bruh, how many nights did you do?”
“1 night bruh, deep af”
“Core af bruh”
And that kinda re-stoked my vibe for adventure but idk.
Weather is supposed to be nice this week.
I’m sure if I wait till next week to go back to the tent it will dump every night which makes it way harder because then my boots get soaking wet and freeze.
Gonna go do some laundry and come up with a planF5151837-9FB6-490A-BAF5-E0747577A478.jpeg
Which model did you go with...

I've been eyeballing the declivities.
I have been eyeballing those also, I love my Icelantics on powder days, but they’re a bit much on the other 75% of days and all of my ‘rocks skis’ are closer to being turned into furniture than not. Need to find a place that is demo-ing the Declivity. If anyone comes across some, I’m all ears. Either the 92 or the 102.

I’m sure if I wait till next week to go back to the tent it will dump every night which makes it way harder because then my boots get soaking wet and freeze.
Gonna go do some laundry and come up with a plan
this week on ‘Ski Bum’… @DouglasR goes 'full Charlie':


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