Colorado ski partners wanted

Is the crampon a must?
I don’t have one but if I can find one that will work with my skis I’ll pick it up.
I have found conditions and terrain that would have caused me to turn around without them. however, I have small crappy skins so I can never traverse the same terrain as my buddies with better and bigger skin coverage. We also run into a pretty common situation where you have to skin through ice to get to better snow above. NO idea about ice in CO, never been there.
I can's say I've used ski crampons in CO in winter but when you need them they are great, almost anything is better than snowshoes.
wrap your Nalgene in your puffy or sleeping bag and melt water as needed, just make sure to keep at least a little each time to get the melting started.
I'm assuming you have already checked it but definitely keep an eye on the avy forecast, I think you dodged the storm we are in on the western slope over there but avy conditions are changing pretty quick right now and it looks like it would be hard to stay out of avy terrain on that route...
I can's say I've used ski crampons in CO in winter but when you need them they are great, almost anything is better than snowshoes.
wrap your Nalgene in your puffy or sleeping bag and melt water as needed, just make sure to keep at least a little each time to get the melting started.
I'm assuming you have already checked it but definitely keep an eye on the avy forecast, I think you dodged the storm we are in on the western slope over there but avy conditions are changing pretty quick right now and it looks like it would be hard to stay out of avy terrain on that route...
Yeah I really need to take an avalanche course.

My theory is that it appears that most of the slopes that are greater than 30 degrees are on the opposite side of the creek and timbered.
I was thinking it looks like the trail stays far enough away from those slopes to avoid getting caught in a slide, but I’m totally talking out of my ass.

However, this spot looks a little sketch...
I’m pretty sure the forecast right now is “considerable”
If this doesn’t change between now and Sunday would you feel comfortable walking through this spot?
Yeah, it’s should be two really beautiful days.
I bet the stars slap out there at night.

You or @neffa3 have any thoughts or opinions on the avy risk?
Well, I'm in Montana so ...

But otherwise, I don't play in avalanche terrain anymore. Stay off the 30 degree plus terrain if you are solo, to be safe.
And please be aware of tree wells.
I wouldn't even think about going in the backcountry without another person even if it was all green. With that risk I'm sure you can find skiable terrain if you know what you're doing and where to go, but pioneering into new country would scare me. That trail crosses several avy chutes.
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I'd be gripped walking around in that valley bottom if it was in the San Juans, way less familiar with the snowpack over there, depending on conditions you could remote trigger either side, and if that side ripped the other probably would too, I'd consider it low-medium likelihood and extremely high consequence.
I need you to put this into layman’s terms for me.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a stupid dumbass would I be if I try to walk up there Sunday?
I prob won’t make it.
Idk about my route finding abilities through the snow so I’ll prob end up turning back before I get to slate trail.

I bet it looks cool af up there though and it would be nice to get away from the crowds for a weekend.

Does this advisory make it worse?
After discussing my plan with the little European man at the mammut education center I think I’m gonna hold off on slate lake for a couple weeks and go try another spot he recommended.
I’ll let you guys know how it goes because I know you’re super interested.
Thanks for the help.
After discussing my plan with the little European man at the mammut education center I think I’m gonna hold off on slate lake for a couple weeks and go try another spot he recommended.
I’ll let you guys know how it goes because I know you’re super interested.
Thanks for the help.
When it starts to warm up and the layers of snow start to form together instead of the distinct layers the conditions get safer. @wllm1313 might have some friends in the area that know current avi conditions first hand. Always safer to wait a couple more weeks if you have the time.
Be cognizant of remotely triggering a slide from the bottom. It's not just the angle of the terrain you are on, but what is above and connected to your location.
Colorado snowpack is not to be taken lightly...

As others have mentioned, a lot of terrain opens up once the snowpack consolidates in the spring.

Buy Bruce Trempers book and read it a few times.
If a cop wakes me up at 3am to tell me it’s cool that I’m parked at the trailhead but when he runs my plates they’re coming back to a Ford Fusion is he telling the truth or just shaking me down?
The center of the universe is...
Made the same mistake as jimmy and Conrad and tried to rip this thing alpine style.
I’ll be back.
I’m impressed you attempted it.

Timberline laps have been fun today.

See you at Outer Range in a couple hours? :)
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