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Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission to meet February 24 in virtual workshop to discuss wolf reintroduction planning

The Colorado CPW knows that this is a bad idea and I believe they know what the introduction of wolves will likely do to their game populations....they are going to slow play this and drag it out as long as they can. I dont blame them. I just hope the truck carrying the wolves gets lose and ends up in western California.
I think most of the commission is not in any hurry to just throw a bunch of wolves out in the Flattops. Tutchton is obviously ready to just let them go later today.
Abuse is abuse, regardless of implement. I'm sure there are functioning abusers of both.

Personally, I've seen more issues from MJ than alcohol and my father was an alcoholic when I was a child.

Fair enough. My anecdotal observations are far different. It’s just always killed me how alcohol abuse is readily accepted by society but MJ is from the devil.
Abuse is abuse.
Agreed. I've never had any of the MDs I know bring up issues with MJ. Even my buddy who is a EM doc. I'm sure there are absolutely fatal car accidents that result from MJ use, but I would guess less than texting.

A ridiculously high portion of the patients in every hospital are cirrhotics. Not all alcohol related, but that is by far the leading cause. More people die of liver disease than of car accidents in the US every year.

When it comes to down to it alcohol has a vastly more negative impact on society than weed, it's especially bad in the Rockies.

I consume alcohol, I have never smoked.

PSA for the forum today, I think 99% of American's would be horrified at the ages people are developing cirrhosis. There are lots of 26-28 year olds getting put on the list for liver transplants, directly as a result of alcohol abuse. Kids who didn't even think they had a drinking issue. Personally I thought that the only people under 30 that died from alcohol were people that died from alcohol poising, ie. acute deaths. No, in fact there are lots of people who die of chronic alcohol abuse at stunningly young ages.


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I think most of the commission is not in any hurry to just throw a bunch of wolves out in the Flattops. Tutchton is obviously ready to just let them go later today.
Interestingly enough I decided to email Tuchton yesterday. I sent him Randy's wolf BBQ video.

He emailed me back, I was actually pleasantly surprised by our exchange and his comments.

I feel like I've been a bit unfair in my comments about him. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable sharing the exchange as this is a public forum and I don't think he felt he was "on the record".

But 30,000k view.

He's serious about hunting ethics, not simply trying to use them as an anti-hunting tool. Now his ethics deviate from mine but 400 page long threads on crossbows demonstrate to me that we as hunters don't agree either.

I think Tutchton voted Yes on wolves. I think that he does want to move forward, but I think that is more an because he thinks that the commission dragging their feet is shirking their duty, and not because he is hell bent on getting wolves on the ground as quickly as possible.

To that end, my impression is he is someone who is concerned about the issues; I disagree with him, but I don't think he's there simply because he has an axe to grind.
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Interestingly enough I decided to email Tuchton yesterday. I sent him Randy's wolf BBQ video.

He emailed me back, I was actually pleasantly surprised by our exchange and his comments.

I feel like I've been a bit unfair in my comments about him. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable sharing the exchange as this is a public forum and I don't think he felt he was "on the record".

But 30,000k view.

He's serious about hunting ethics, not simply trying to use them as an anti-hunting tool. Now his ethics deviate from mine but 400 page long threads on crossbows demonstrate to me that we as hunters don't agree either.

I think Tutchton voted Yes on wolves. I think that he does want to move forward, but I think that is more an because he thinks that the commission dragging their feet is shirking their duty, and not because he is hell bent on getting wolves on the ground as quickly as possible.

To that end, my impression is he is someone who is concerned about the issues; I disagree with him, but I don't think he's there simply because he has an axe to grind.
I'll reserve judgement for now, but won't hold my breath.

You can see his frustration during the meetings, at least I think that is what I'm seeing.

I'd say if you emailed him at his .gov email in official capacity as a commissioner he should know he's on the record.
Currently, CPW (i.e. hunting and fishing license revenue, mostly non-res elk hunters) are footing the bill. There is a bill in the CO legislature right now to transfer the monetary cost of re-introduction to the general fund (State tax dollars). HB 21-1040, if you want to look into it and call your elected officials.
HB21-1040 was amended and laid over on Thursday. It is scheduled for action only on March 3 in the House Energy & Environment Committee.
Probably going to have to look a little harder and wait a little longer for tags once they bring the wolves back to Colorado. Heard on a podcast a couple weeks ago that hunters are gonna be fronting the bill for reintroduction too. If you don't believe me you see for yourself below:/

Probably going to have to look a little harder and wait a little longer for tags once they bring the wolves back to Colorado. Heard on a podcast a couple weeks ago that hunters are gonna be fronting the bill for reintroduction too. If you don't believe me you see for yourself below:/

Looks to me like that just links to the rmef statement and doesn't offer anything new... am I missing something?
Probably going to have to look a little harder and wait a little longer for tags once they bring the wolves back to Colorado. Heard on a podcast a couple weeks ago that hunters are gonna be fronting the bill for reintroduction too. If you don't believe me you see for yourself below:/

Take a look at HB21-1243, which is caught in a bill bottleneck right now but is on track to be passed. It would prevent introduction from being funded with hunting and fishing license dollars and associated federal grants.
Probably going to have to look a little harder and wait a little longer for tags once they bring the wolves back to Colorado. Heard on a podcast a couple weeks ago that hunters are gonna be fronting the bill for reintroduction too. If you don't believe me you see for yourself below

Looks to me like that just links to the rmef statement and doesn't offer anything new... am I missing something?

Some have since been deleted, but when I looked earlier his first 8 posts on HT were that same statement on different threads and the same link to the 5th grade level website (I was going to say 6th, but my son built a better one this winter for his Minecraft/Avengers/Baseball fandom).

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