Colorado Looking to Reduce Predator Numbers


New member
Apr 6, 2016

I've seen this headline on several different media outlets now. I'm not here to bash not he media, but I've this headline in several different avenues now. As a hunting community this could be a make or break issue.

As Quoted from Channel 7 News

"Some animal activists are horrified by a proposal to kill up to half of the mountain lions and black bears in some parts of the state to study the impact on mule deer.

“It would be really unfortunate if we saw dependent mountain lions and dependent bear cubs starved to death if their mothers were killed,” said Colorado Humane Society Director Aubyn Royall.

Royall believes the purge is just a ploy to increase the number of deer for hunters.

“If we reduce the hunting of mule deer then their populations won’t be in decline,” said Royall."

I'd like to see everyone's opinion and ensure folks know whats happening. I know news is written to sell paper and what not, but in my opinion the news is making the hunting community out to be the enemy on this one.

Maybe a topic on Randy's Hunt Talk.
I can only give you my unscientific, anecdotal opinion. I've been in my current position for 17 years. We've always had a respectable population of deer and at least one lion on and around my place. However, for the last year an a half, we rarely see deer. The Big Horn Sheep still come through at the same rate. The deer we do see are much more skittish. I think we have at least a mom and two young adult kits or, maybe even more lions.

That said, I'm all for leaving well enough alone. If it is mountain lions, they will starve and the deer will rebound. I don't think nature is ever in "balance". I believe there is ebb and flow. The swings are sometimes more drastic than others but the balance is in the absence of balance. It's only when we stick our fingers in it that drastic can move to catastrophic for one species or another. Deer aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Somewhat off topic, but the Highway kills WAY more deer than anything else around here. If we (hunters, bunny huggers, lion lovers, Parks and Wildlife, etc.) gave a shit about deer they'd something about that.

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