CO Monster

The picture of the guy holding the rack looks fake to me and I was waving the BS flag. But the tailgate picture looks pretty real to me. A buck like that could be life changing. What a deer!!!
The picture of the guy holding the rack looks fake to me and I was waving the BS flag. But the tailgate picture looks pretty real to me. A buck like that could be life changing. What a deer!!!
I have to admit I was on the same boat. That tailgate picture does look real.
I think the tailgate picture adds some perspective. Just remember that the first picture the deer is held at arms length to the guy to try and make the deer look bigger than it is. One other thing to consider, This guy had to hold the horns and skull plate in an outstretched arm for long enough to get a picture, that makes me question it some as well. Regardless, That's a cool looking Deer. Part of me really hopes it's legit, but I'm still skeptical. Let's see if it shows up on Boone and Crockett's Trophy Watch.
Absolutely a huge deer!

Here's the info listed on the BC Trophy Watch:
Non-typical mule deer
Brett Ross
308-4/8 Unofficial Green Score
42” wide 17x18

If this score holds, it could be a top 10 all-time record buck.
That's real and that's a pig enough said. Congrats to the guy who was blessed to take that deer.
It looks real similar to the Kyle Lopez buck I had to pull up his picture to make sure it wasn't. Looks like the same genetics as Kyle's buck.

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