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Closing up shop

A photo journal: we saw a few bucks, but most of then were in way off horrible places. We did end up chasing a smaller buck a couple mornings but that guy was Houdini. It rained every day, and the rain forced us off the mountain twice, and back home once. That second big storm was bad. 20230812_095213.jpg20230812_181116.jpg20230812_183400.jpg20230813_163116.jpg20230813_171816.jpg20230815_091134.jpg20230815_093130.jpg20230815_152610.jpg20230902_124012.jpg20230902_183209.jpg20230903_141229.jpg20230903_141616.jpg20230903_141644.jpg20230903_141718.jpg20230903_141819.jpg20230903_141734.jpg20230903_143804.jpg20230903_143849.jpg