Clintons plan for public lands

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I agree with most everything Randy said. The one important word he forgot to use in describing Trump is racist. That is one of the things that attract many of his supporters.
By voting for neither of the status quo, I hope my vote is one more straw on the camel's back and that the camel's back breaks, sooner rather than later.

That is my hope too. If these are the two best options we have to run our country, it tells my small brain that things are really fugged up.

The reality is the personal account/server/network she was using was probably more secure than the Governments.

That's why the Chinese are now proud owners of all my personal information via the "secure" Government networks...

Not defending what she did, at all...but while on your soap box about unsecure networks, please drop a line to your elected officials on behalf of the millions of employees who have had their gov. accounts hacked.
It is truly amazing how much TV time that Fox news gives to the email issue. Far more than Trey Gowdy does. If one didn't watch Fox News, you wouldn't know it was the greatest issue in the race.


WICHITA, Kan. — Top officials within Charles Koch’s powerful policy network plan to meet with aides to presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, the industrialist told USA TODAY on Wednesday.

The meeting comes at the request of the Trump team, Koch said. No date has been set for the gathering, which has not been publicly disclosed before.

“We are happy to talk to anybody and hope they understand where we’re coming from, and they will have more constructive positions than they’ve had,” Koch said of the sit-down with Trump’s team.
Well said BF & JR.

I am used to being a lone wolf and always have been. Mom always said I was the lone wolf in the pack of 6 .
I am fine where I am and what my choices are in life these days...except politically.
Not much of a choice like others have stated. None really that I see succeeding. Ever. In any way that does me some good.
Loser me that I am,I will vote for someone who thinks things thru. Even a write in.
Not what the selfserving wanna be rich king,fake jocks,elite socials,welfare groupies & gangs would do.
Buzz, sorry to hear about the hack. To your point, I can assure you the email system where those emails should have been handled are far more secure than anything you could put in your house. All gov emails aren't created equal, and when you get a clearance they are very clear about how you should handle info, she obviously didn't listen or care.

Jose, if it was your friend or family who was overseas, and info about their activities was compromised, would you care then? To me it isn't about the server, it is the blatant disregard of her responsibilities. If I can't judge someone by their actions, and can only judge them based on their campaign promises, I give up.

Has she mentioned how she is going to hold welfare ranchers accountable?

Sorry, I will stop being a smart-ass now.
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Buzz, sorry to hear about the hack. To your point, I can assure you the email system where those emails should have been handled are far more secure than anything you could put in your house. All gov emails aren't created equal, and when you get a clearance they are very clear about how you should handle info, she obviously didn't listen or care.

Jose, if it was your friend or family who was overseas, and info about their activities was compromised, would you care then? To me it isn't about the server, it is the blatant disregard of her responsibilities. If I can't judge someone by their actions, and can only judge them based on their campaign promises, I give up.

Has she mentioned how she is going to hold welfare ranchers accountable?

Sorry, I will stop being a smart-ass now.

I don't really care about how her email server was managed, nor did I care about Condi' Rice's, or Colin Powell's....

Much ado about nothing....

If I can't judge someone by their actions, and can only judge them based on their campaign promises

How are you with supporting racists?
Just to throw another wrench in this convo, the idea and execution of public land is fundamentally socialist.

So generally, I think of everyone supporting public land as socialists, mostly because you kind of are. Isn't language fun?

I'm really glad Hillary is in support of public land. Thanks for posting the article. Obama is, too. He's protected an historic 265+ million acres since his inauguration:
That is where much of Trump's support is coming from. He may as well be wearing the white robe and hood because that is the America his supporters want to have.

Maybe the dumbest quote I've ever read. Much of Trumps support comes from people who are sick of ILLEGAL immigrants. That doesn't make him or anyone that supports him a racist. My dad was in the marines for 21 years and many of our family friends are current and former military. Almost everyone of them has stated that they would never vote Hillary because she only looks out for herself and will hang you out to dry in an instant. Therefore they are trump supporters. Does that make them racist? These friends are from all over the US. Several families are Hispanic, some are African American and some are white. Use your head before you speak. Sure Trump says some dumb crap and is far from politically correct. But your comment is about as ignorant as they get.
Just to throw another wrench in this convo, the idea and execution of public land is fundamentally socialist.

So generally, I think of everyone supporting public land as socialists, mostly because you kind of are. Isn't language fun?

What's wrong with Socialism?

The 10 Happiest Countries:

10. Sweden

9. Australia

8. New Zealand

7. Netherlands

6. Canada

5. Finland

4. Norway

3. Iceland

2. Switzerland

1. Denmark

See any common traits?

See any country not listed?
Maybe the dumbest quote I've ever read. Much of Trumps support comes from people who are sick of ILLEGAL immigrants. That doesn't make him or anyone that supports him a racist. My dad was in the marines for 21 years and many of our family friends are current and former military. Almost everyone of them has stated that they would never vote Hillary because she only looks out for herself and will hang you out to dry in an instant. Therefore they are trump supporters. Does that make them racist? These friends are from all over the US. Several families are Hispanic, some are African American and some are white. Use your head before you speak. Sure Trump says some dumb crap and is far from politically correct. But your comment is about as ignorant as they get.

You don't think saying someone can't perform their job because they have Mexican parents isn't racist?

Even Paul Ryan agrees that is "the textbook definition of racist".

I wonder what defending a racist makes one???
I'm not defending him. And i didn't say he wasn't a racist. But saying that he should be wearing the white robe and hood because that is the America that his supporters want is as far fetched as it gets. There are many other factors that determine which candidate is the best.

If you are trying to say that I'm a racist then you are way off. I've lived all over the US. I've got many friends of different ethnicities. I'm about as far from a racist as there can possibly be. My best friend and one of the only people I hunt with is a Native American.

I just get sick of hearing people pull the race card all the time. It's tiresome.
Just to throw another wrench in this convo, the idea and execution of public land is fundamentally socialist.

So generally, I think of everyone supporting public land as socialists, mostly because you kind of are. Isn't language fun?

You stopped too soon in your expansion from the common American perception and what language literally says. Any society that agrees to taxation of income, wealth, or property, to be redistributed for other public uses is technically socialist. Any society that says we are not going to let our young, elderly, or poor die in the streets because of lack of resources, is technically socialist. Any society that agrees to have public schools is technically socialist. Any society that will conscript citizens to involuntary military service, as this country did for over 200 years, is technically socialist. Any society that uses a political system to pick economic winners and losers by socializing costs, is technically socialist.

When one thinks about it, since the first villages were formed on this planet, however many thousand or million years ago you want to believe, socialism was the basis for a village/community concept.
You stopped too soon in your expansion from the common American perception and what language literally says. Any society that agrees to taxation of income, wealth, or property, to be redistributed for other public uses is technically socialist. Any society that says we are not going to let our young, elderly, or poor die in the streets because of lack of resources, is technically socialist. Any society that agrees to have public schools is technically socialist. Any society that will conscript citizens to involuntary military service, as this country did for over 200 years, is technically socialist. Any society that uses a political system to pick economic winners and losers by socializing costs, is technically socialist.

When one thinks about it, since the first villages were formed on this planet, however many thousand or million years ago you want to believe, socialism was the basis for a village/community concept.

Man, I feel the BERN!
The biggest problem is that Trump fans the flames of issues that expose the ugly side of American politics. It is a dangerous game to fan such flames because once the fire is lit, it gets really hot really fast and Trump won't have a fire hose big enough to put it out. Appealing to people disaffected with the status quo is easy, having a plan for a brighter future for them is far harder. Trump has no plan.

He won't be able to deal with almost everything he promises: from illegal aliens to the debt. Go read his tax plan, it adds trillions upon trillions to our debt and hundred of billions to our annual deficit.

Hillary is just as bad. Can anyone name a single major accomplishment she has had in her public life? Review her record as Sect. of State and almost everything she touched has turned in a burning crucible of human suffering: Libya, Syria, Ukraine etc. Or she has sold out the country to her corporate pay masters: TPP, Goldman Sachs sweetheart deals etc, etc. One would think that after breathing rarefied air for so long: First Lady, U.S. Senator, Sect. of State she would have a resume replete is major accomplishments that she could point to as to why she would be effective. She couldn't even do the one thing Obama did, Vote No on the Iraq war.

It is a cruel joke that one of these clowns is going to be the leader of our Great nation.

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