Clinton throwing in the towel


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Nov 28, 2001
Clinton says she's throwing in the towel
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer

Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton decided it was time to quit the race and concede to her counterpart Barak Obama

In a series of television interviews in states holding upcoming contests, Clinton vowed to end her campaign and suggested Obama and his supporters to step aside in the running for the presidential nominee.

"My take on it is Senator Obama's campaign has turned out more successful than mine and he deserves the nomination," she told CBS affiliate KTVQ in Billings, Mont. "That's just what I believe. We want people to vote. I want the people of Montana to vote"

Montana holds its primary June 3. The New York senator made similar comments in interviews with stations in Indiana and North Carolina, which hold primaries May 6.

Obama led the overall race for the Democrat nomination with 1,631 delegates, including separately chosen party and elected officials known as super delegates. He got the backing of Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar on Monday. Clinton had 1,501, according to the latest AP tally.

Clinton almost certainly would have ended the primary season trailing Obama in the popular vote and among pledged delegates unless the nullified primaries in Florida and Michigan were counted — an unlikely scenario at best. However, Obama unlikely to end the race with the 2,024 pledged delegates needed to win outright either, meaning the nominee would have been determined by roughly 800 super delegates.

Responding to Clinton, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said: "That is the best thing she could have done to help save the Democrat party from total destruction. We have encouraged our supporters to stay the course and Senator Obama was very clear he supports her decision."

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy last week became the first leading Democrat to openly call on Clinton to step aside and cede the nomination to Obama. He said he worried the prolonged nominating battle was strengthening the chances of the Republican nominee in waiting, John McCain.

Since then, Obama and his supporters have said Clinton should stay in the race as long as she chooses while indicating a lengthy primary battle would not help the party's position in the general election.

Obama has been picking up super delegates at a rapid clip while Clinton's success with that group had slowed considerably.

"I didn't even keep track of it" Clinton said when asked by Pittsburgh CBS affiliate KDKA referring to how many super delegates had endorsed her in recent weeks.

As she spoke, her husband, former President Clinton, was coming home from Oregon after lobbying uncommitted super delegates

It took awhile to rework another article into this one...

Pretty realistic though... :D

And an April Fools to every one... ;)
I watched the manwoman last night and saw the whole interview. So as I was reading your post I thought" Wow my comprehention is really bad." That was pretty good.
I'm glad you liked it... :)

I wonder how many here would be checking cyberspace to see if it was really true the Shrill Beast had slobbered her last :eek: :D
Heres the original article...

Clinton says Obama wants to stop votes
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer

Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton accused rival Sen. Barack Obama and his allies of trying to stop people from voting as some of his backers have called on her to drop out of the presidential race.

The Obama campaign rejected the charge, dismissing Clinton's criticism as "completely laughable."

In a series of television interviews in states holding upcoming contests, Clinton vowed to press on with her campaign and suggested Obama and his supporters wanted to keep those states from playing a role in selecting the party's presidential nominee.

"My take on it is a lot of Senator Obama's supporters want to end this race because they don't want people to keep voting," she told CBS affiliate KTVQ in Billings, Mont. "That's just the opposite of what I believe. We want people to vote. I want the people of Montana to vote, don't you?"

Montana holds its primary June 3. The New York senator made similar comments in interviews with stations in Indiana and North Carolina, which hold primaries May 6.

Obama leads the overall race for the Democratic nomination with 1,631 delegates, including separately chosen party and elected officials known as superdelegates. He got the backing of Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar on Monday. Clinton has 1,501, according to the latest AP tally.

Clinton almost certainly will end the primary season narrowly trailing Obama in the popular vote and among pledged delegates unless the nullified primaries in Florida and Michigan are counted — an unlikely scenario at best. But Obama is unlikely to end the race with the 2,024 pledged delegates needed to win outright either, meaning the nominee will be determined by roughly 800 superdelegates.

Responding to Clinton, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said: "That is completely laughable from a campaign that thought the race would be over on February 5. We have encouraged our supporters to do no such thing and Senator Obama was very clear he supports her carrying on in this race."

Campaigning in Pennsylvania, Obama called the continuing primary battle "a struggle" but said he believed it was a good process that would strengthen the party in the long run.

"It is a healthy thing that so many people are passionate," Obama said in Johnstown. "I think it is great that Senator Clinton's supporters are as passionate about her as my supporters are about me... I think that is making this historic race that much more compelling."

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy last week became the first leading Democrat to openly call on Clinton to step aside and cede the nomination to Obama. He said he worried the prolonged nominating battle was strengthening the chances of the Republican nominee in waiting, John McCain.

Since then, Obama and his supporters have said Clinton should stay in the race as long as she chooses while indicating a lengthy primary battle would not help the party's position in the general election.

Obama has been picking up superdelegates at a rapid clip while Clinton's success with that group has slowed considerably.

"I don't even keep track of it, I can't even tell you that figure," Clinton said when asked by Pittsburgh CBS affiliate KDKA how many superdelegates had endorsed her in recent weeks.

As she spoke, her husband, former President Clinton, was in Oregon, lobbying uncommitted superdelegates
I was fooled all right. I thought it was christmas when I started reading it.

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