NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Cleaning up old bison skull


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
New Mexico
Back in 2007 I bought a yearling cow at the Custer State Park auction. After I was done processing the meat I put the skull (uncleaned) out in the woods as I didn't know whatelse to do at the time. I moved out of state shortly after and sent my buddy directions on where to go recover the skull. Just a few days ago I finally paid my buddy a visit after 13 years, the skull was sitting in his shed.

Would anyone recommend any steps differently to clean it up than my usual process? I've only done Euros for recently harvested animals so didn't know if older bone needed a different approach.

It actually looks cleaner than I expected given nature did 100% of the work so far. My usual method is a low simmer with Dawn soap and lots of scraping to remove meat, fats, etc. Then coat with 40 volume salon creme overnight, rinse, and a light coat of polyurethane once dry.


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Here is a before and after picture of one that I cleaned up. It sat in the dirt out in South Dakota for a few years. I just got the horn caps off and simmered in the usual peroxide and water. The horn was flaking pretty bad so sanded it down with rough to fine grit paper.
Then brushedIMG_20200304_164406.jpgIMG_20200322_121320.jpg mop and glo on everything.
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