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Cjcj's pictures

Pic #3 says DR. Bob & his 201 6/8 buck B&C [2005 hunt] and i will be glad to E`mail it to fact I will be glad to send you Both of Dr. Bobs pics.....Not saying your right or wrong as I am only going by the pics and whats writtten on the back of them.

I see on your pic/link that DR. BOb isn`t wearing the orange hat????

Ask your Buddy if the guy is DR. Bob or if the Name is bogus..
Cj, I don't think he's questioning who killed the buck, but where it was killed. You originally posted:
#3 Dr. Bob strikes again with a 201 4/8 [29 inch wide] killed in 2005 13a hunt
Then you said:
Pic #3 says DR. Bob & his 201 6/8 buck B&C [2005 hunt]
Where did you come up with it being killed in 13a?
I`ll send you the back of each pic..[DR. Bob.]..I can`t verify the accuracy of the pics or whats on the back.

Greenhorn,, must be a small world...It says that Ram was killed in unit 28.... But i`m not sure of anything now.. just wanted to share some nice pics.:)
No Jose i`ve never met him....I have met they guide Stan.[brothers wedding in Vegas]and I may have Met Robin....who took the pics...But i don`t know any of these guys...:)
CJ's defense. This is the back of pic #3 and pic #7. Looks like #7 is confusing. Doesn't say where he killed that buck, but says he also killed a 217 buck the year before in 13a (not pictured). The guy seems to have killed a lot of good bucks.

Isn't it a federal crime to make a mistake on the net? LOL Please no more lawyers.

I just saw that buck and recognized it from some field pics and his webpage. I'm glad you posted the pics, regardless of the location of the hunt! Post some more big bucks.
Just the facts Ma'am, just the facts. This post strikes me as humorous.

"This one time at band camp......."

Certainly nice animals, whoever and wherever.
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