Chukar Hunting SW Idaho


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
If WV Hunter was to tell a story about Oak telling a story about Chukar hunting it would go something like this. Went chukar hunting with a buddy and his dog. Walked in rocky and steep crap. Dog pointed birds. We shot em. The end.


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Congrats on the birds, that reminds me of a Vizsla we used to have back in the early '70's . . . . . crap my kids are right, I'm getting old, still thanks for sharing the pic.
Congrats on the birds, that reminds me of a Vizsla we used to have back in the early '70's . . . . . crap my kids are right, I'm getting old, still thanks for sharing the pic.

I have never even heard of a vizsla until about ten years ago. Granted this is the only one I've ever hunted behind, I am impressed.
fowladdict1, I can't remember the details, but when we lived near Nyssa, Oregon my dad got a Vizsla, which looking back I'm surprised he would go to the effort and expense it took to get the dog, then in 1976 we moved to Washington and he met a guy with a dog that was closely related to our first one, so we got one more out of that same blood line. Now, I hunt with a friend with a Vizsla, they're a great dog.
There are few things better than hunting over a good dog for chukar and hun.

Tyson, Would that be hunting over a hun with a good dog ? ;)

So, Fowladdict, My friend at ACHD says he's over 120 birds so far ths season. They are slaying them !!! Looks like you guys hit the motherload too.
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