Caribou Gear

Chuck Adams back at it.

Luck, skill and preference. Obviously, Chuck knows what he is doing.

I think this is the same link Greenhorn put up recently.

Chuck elk
Nothing that money and fame can't buy!!! Heck, if we had access to the property he does - we'd kill big elk like that also! Obviously, Chucky boy is a good hunter but ya gotta be where the big ones are living to do that good consistantly - and they are very RARELY on public land... I put up-Chuck Adams in the same category as professional bASS fisherman, Bill Jordan, Jackie Pussman and other so-called PRO's... IMHO, they have done nothing for the sport other than commericalize the hell out of it, profit from it and generally drive the cost of hunting for the "average guy" so high as to be darn-near prohibitive.