Chilly morning on the trap line

Nope, screw that. Im sitting here debating if im going to get up at 4am to go hunt in single digit temps tomorrow morning.
I talked to my farmer buddy in Northeast Saskatchewan yesterday. The -40 F cold has made hauling grain brutal. Lots of extra care for the cattle and young stock.
How’d the hides holding out? I quit two weeks ago as about 50% were rubbed horribly down here
How’d the hides holding out? I quit two weeks ago as about 50% were rubbed horribly down here
The couple I caught the other day looked alright. I am pulling most of my stuff today minus a few around the calving areas
I didnt even know -50f was a thing in the lower 48. Thats just not right. I wouldnt go outside. Hits -12 or -14 here at the worst as far as ive seen. Thats bad enough that i only go outside to run to the woodshed so i can keep my stove cranking out heat, have it 90° in the house, sit around in a tshirt.
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