PEAX Equipment

Cheer me up boys…

Today's arrived. Following with best wishes for your season and beyond.

PT is a knee's friend. I tend to push rehab. Most of the time it's aided the recovery however a few times it's set me back. A fine line.
Both of my knees have torn meniscus. They don't really do anything but clean it up with surgery. They can't be "fixed" so I opted no surgery last year and got shots every 3 months. Actually worked out pretty good. I've been hitting the legs at the gym pretty regularly the last 3 months and they feel better than they have in years. Sure they ache every now and then but overall so far I'm glad I didn't have surgery. Good luck with a speedy recovery
Hopefully it is just meniscus that can be cleaned up with arthro-scoping. It sounds like it.
Mine was much worse driving/sitting and I did get work comp to cover it. It happened on the job from the job.
I babied/favored my left knee for years, tho both would pop & creek getting up and down off them.

The doc was an older guy like me in a ortho/rehab/PT center full of collage kids . No problemo he said. 1/2" hole to do the whole thing and I could watch if I wished....and made that mistake. The spinal tap recovery was a week of migraine style headaches. The left knee took about half an hour and was bad. The knee came back good.
The next year the right got tired of the lefts babying and went. Told the doc just knock me out and get it done. half hour and a quarter inch hole with a butterfly bandage over the opening. I walk out of that wheelchair at the door and was back at limited duty the next week.
Tips: Don't get the spinal and watch. Don't over do it at 1st and do all the PT the docs say.

I still favor the left knee and it has been a problem when I go for a kneeling shot and have to remember to get down on my And it does hurt them when a split chunk of fire wood pops off into them, yikes.
I just hope the ligaments hold and I need nothing further. The surgeries were 20 years ago.
I say this with my sciatica acting up and going into PT next week....LOL

Think positive HW!
This is an inspirational documentary about one of the greatest professional athletes ever overcoming numerous career ending injuries.
if T’s legs can go through all this and he can still compete in his late 30’s, you’re gonna be fine.
Wishing you a speedy recovery! 🙏
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Work kicked my ass today. Tweaked my knee at work a couple of weeks ago, saw the doc and he couldn’t find anything but it hasn’t felt quite right since. Been kind of babying it hoping for the best. Today I’m not sure what happened. I stepped funny I guess. Big pop, excruciating pain low medial, can’t bear weight on it at all, can’t bend or straighten. Lots of swelling in there of course. RICEing it until my appointment tomorrow afternoon, but I have a bad feeling about my hunting season. 😭

Guessing there’s a surgery in my future. Anyone had a knee surgery in their 40’s? How’d it go?
As Dad would say: Rub some dirt on it and
get back in the game! lol! 💥 :cool:

I hurt my knee jogging while conditioning for a Javelina hunt.I never went to the doctor...It took 4 years to re-coop. Fix it now!(y)
work it girl---not the knee, but the husband ;) Whatever you have been wanting done around the house--now is the time to ask;)

Seriously, a couple of men in my family have had this problem and I can only echo what others have said. Fix it asap.

Wishing you the best with the knee, and, the house project :)
Best wishes HW. I'm in the same boat waiting on MRI from work comp. I've been there before with ACL surgery 15 years ago. That surgery went well, I put 110% into the PT and was back to work well before expected.
Going through this before has eased my mind, knowing what to expect. I've been on the boat fishing every other day and the garden is well tended. If the pain is bearable, I suggest using a brace and trying to move around. My experience is being sedentary is more problematic than staying active, if possible.
Good Luck
So sorry to hear about this! You will attack it with your usual gusto and will be fine before you know it.

If not, I can take your place on all your hunts and tell you about them when I get back!

Sayyyyy, I just had a thought. There is a lot of collective experience here performing surgeries on dead critters. I am thinking we could do a pretty good job of fixing that knee. If the rural surgeon doing work comp surgeries doesn't work out, I am sure we can rally enough people here to get the job done for free! You have options.
During renovations to the front porch earlier this year the fold up step ladder I was on while putting in the light fixture at top of open beam ceiling folded up. I took the buffalo skull hanging in the gable down with me. Somehow I didn't get impaled but my right knee was not so lucky. It went through the rungs and crunched on impact. Fortunately, nothing broken but it swelled up like a football. I toughed it out and seems to be almost back to normal. My legs have always been tough. Good genes I think because I don't work out a lot.20220517_085941.jpg20220409_235435_resized_1.jpg

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