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Chavez no mas


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Acting President Nicolas Maduro tosses a couple of U.S. diplomats for alleged espionage, accuses U.S. of 'giving" Hugo Chavez the cancer.

Sean Penn mourns. Really
Chavez started his career against government corruption but ultimately became more corrupt than those he replaced. If you burned the 2 billion dollars he fleeced from the people of Venezuela I doubt it would generate at much heat as he is feeling from all the murders he committed trying to hold power. Good riddance....
mom always said if yo don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. I guess i'll keep my mouth shut about and celebrate in silence.
Castro gone, Ortega gone, now Chavez gone.

Who in the Western Hemisphere we gonna hate?

Out of Iraq. Bin Laden dead. Planned to be out of Afghanistan 2014.

Thankfully we have the nutty North Korean leader and the Chinese are always doing something sneaky.

I think we forget that most of us grew up under the Nuclear cloud expecting the USSR and USA would eventually have Nuclear war. I do think the world is getting safer.
What's so wrong with hating on leaders who kill their fellow citizens in an effort to hold power?
Feeble attempt at poking fun at all the people who thought Bush was the cause of all bad things including hemmoroids.

Same type of people who think Obama is the cause for all that is wrong now. No ill intentions toward Presidents, present and past or Texas. :)
Feeble attempt at poking fun at all the people who thought Bush was the cause of all bad things including hemmoroids.

Same type of people who think Obama is the cause for all that is wrong now. No ill intentions toward Presidents, present and past or Texas. :)

Agreed. I voted for the man in 2004. Rough time for the country. Hindsight we should have chased Bin Laden and his whacked followers into Pakistan and cleaned out that country. Probably would have cost us less in lives and money than Iraq did.

He was also right when he used the term Crusade after 9/11. Unfortunately we did not pursue with several supposed allies with the Saudi's 1st on the list. Politics of oil have forced the US to make compromised decisions for the last 60 years.