Central MT and beyond...


New member
Apr 30, 2017
Central Montana
Well here I am on the hunting partner personals...
I'm going to make this as normal as I can given the fact I am turning to an online forum to find a hunting partner.
First off, I grew up in Idaho, so my bad spelling, grammar and overall use or abuse of the english language is deep in my roots so please don't judge.
Been living in Montana for almost 12 years now and 11 of that was spent in Bozeman. Now living in central MT. Loving the small town life. I am 32, married with 0 kids and own my own business. Most of my hunting has been solo over the last few years. I have developed a terrible bug to hunt, well, everywhere. I hunt archery and rifle but with every September that passes I find myself leaning towards archery. I hunted Alaska this year for black bear and am headed to Africa in August. I am not a rich man but have a very understanding... no, non violent...no... aww yes, LOVING, UNDERSTANDING wife. I try to backpack hunt more every year. I grew up hunting, trapping and fishing. I am a recovering from a fly fishing problem (thanks Bozeman). I drowned a worm the other day, murdered and ate the flesh of a fish, while drinking an IPA. And it felt good. I like to hunt hard, drink a beer when the day is done and don't ever take a day for granted in this beautiful place I get to call home.
Where about in Central MT? I've been here a little over a year and could definitely use a partner. I have also fallen into the fly fishing black hole, with no end in sight.
Welcome, nothing better than central Montana! Wondering what business are you in?
I am in the Bozeman area but do alot of my hunting in the little belts area. Seems to be less people. Going up there scouting with my 6 year old at the end of the month for the weekend. If you have availability shoot me a pm I'm sure we can figure something out. That goes for anyone else as well. As long as your not a axe murderer.
There’s a few of us on here from lewistown. You won’t have trouble finding like minded people to hang out with
We will be in Lewistown in a few weeks. My parents have a place out there over towards Moore. The new brewery is pretty neat and looking forward to stopping in there after we pack out an elk...or two👍.
I'm in SW MT and looking for hunting buddies. If you make it down this way let me know.
We will be in Lewistown in a few weeks. My parents have a place out there over towards Moore. The new brewery is pretty neat and looking forward to stopping in there after we pack out an elk...or two👍.
Nice! Good luck! Hope the rain stops soon.
Any of you guys looking for a MT spring bear partner? I'm from Saskatchewan and do most of my hunting solo. I've had a lot of success hunting by myself either at home or in other provinces or the US.

I'm most likely going to head out, alone or not, spring 2020 but from experience it's always better to have back up in Grizz country!

I just joined the group, I live in SW Montana, but spend a fair amount of time in Central, MT up in the Little Belts. Big into fly fishing (backcountry mostly), and hunting. I live in Red Lodge, MT and have been in the Rockies going on 7 years now. Moved here from North Carolina.

If you still are looking for folks to hunt/fish with let me know. As a matter of fact, I will be doing some bear hunting and trout fishing up that way in a couple of days...my fiance and I have a forest service cabin reserved and I hear tell they got big mature boars up there!

I'm in SW MT and looking for hunting buddies. If you make it down this way let me know.

What part of SW Montana are you in?

Any of you guys looking for a MT spring bear partner? I'm from Saskatchewan and do most of my hunting solo. I've had a lot of success hunting by myself either at home or in other provinces or the US.

I'm most likely going to head out, alone or not, spring 2020 but from experience it's always better to have back up in Grizz country!


Shoot me a message if you want, It would make my fiance a lot more uneasy me going bear hunting with someone else!
Caribou Gear

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