Cecil the lion part two...

I can't watch videos at my place. But if he acts like an ass, then yes, I'm agin it. Though spear hunting itself I don't have a problem with. I did see a cape buffalo kill with a spear with a go pro on it once. The guy did not act like an ass, as I recall. But watching and showing is not my cup of tea anyway. Porn maybe, but not killing.
We can hunt because the "non hunters" in society see it as an acceptable practice. I think that acceptance ends with bows and guns. Other methods I do not think will be viewed as acceptable by society in general and will hurt the sport. Fortunately spears are not a very popular method.
Maybe we need more Go Pro in the slaughter house so folks can see where their food comes from. Maybe even show them the fetus dance in the basement so they can learn about blood serum and such.
Maybe we need more Go Pro in the slaughter house so folks can see where their food comes from. Maybe even show them the fetus dance in the basement so they can learn about blood serum and such.

There are probably some factory-farm animal practices that I would find distasteful. And I am open to the idea that there are more humane ways to obtain beef, chicken, etc. But only to the extent that I can afford to feed my family and my conscience. I find despicable the idea of requiring the poor folks of the world to pay more so I can feel better about how the cow lived and died.

However, when I hear people talk about hunting being cruel, I always ask them if they eat grocery meat. If they do, I ask them which animal, hunted or farmed, lived a better life and died a better death. I also ask them what they think happens to an animal when it gets old. I ask if my arrow/bullet is worse than a coyote (who will be fed by the entrails I leave behind) slowly killing the scared deer. Is my arrow/bullet worse than an older deer slowly starving to death? Is my arrow/bullet worse than getting hit by a car for the animal to rot on the side of the road? This is the fate of the animal; nature, red in tooth and claw.

As for the spear and the bear, whatever. Just don't put it out there for all the world to see. Sometimes you have to think about the reaction to something like that.
If you search for it there's several sites that still have the video up. The internet is forever. Glad the main link is down though.
He's bad for business in my book. The celebration was pretty grotesque. The narcissism is just inherent. I think we need to have a Social Media Sensitivity Summit for any hunter with over 25k followers on social media. I'm sure that would go over really well with that particular demographic.

This article was his response. Personally, I think it makes him sound like an entitled whiny a-hole to everyone outside of hunting and a lot of us inside of it: http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/hunter-who-used-7ft-spear-8636150

It's so funny, because really, it comes down to the idea of how we tell our stories. There are ways to tell the hunting story to people who aren't hunters and have them become allies. As someone within hunting media, I know how powerful it can be. It feels like ten steps back each time something like this happens.

Anyway. My two cents. More disappointed than anything else. It would be literally crazy to see a positive story on hunting go viral, but I don't think it's necessarily an impossibility.
He's bad for business in my book. The celebration was pretty grotesque. The narcissism is just inherent. I think we need to have a Social Media Sensitivity Summit for any hunter with over 25k followers on social media. I'm sure that would go over really well with that particular demographic.

This article was his response. Personally, I think it makes him sound like an entitled whiny a-hole to everyone outside of hunting and a lot of us inside of it: http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/hunter-who-used-7ft-spear-8636150

It's so funny, because really, it comes down to the idea of how we tell our stories. There are ways to tell the hunting story to people who aren't hunters and have them become allies. As someone within hunting media, I know how powerful it can be. It feels like ten steps back each time something like this happens.

Anyway. My two cents. More disappointed than anything else. It would be literally crazy to see a positive story on hunting go viral, but I don't think it's necessarily an impossibility.

Thanks for posting the article.....he is a moron and a poor representative of hunting in my opinion. He also never explained how the "Go-Pro" camera mounted on the spear was necessary. I would love to hear him argue that he practiced with the camera mounted and that it doesn't hinder accuracy.
Just saw on Instagram that under armour just terminated their contracts due to international pressure.
Interesting world we live in that UA caves to anti's. Wonder if this is a sign of things to come and they will cut their hunting/outdoor efforts all together. Just when they had decided to bring RR back too.....damn.
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Interesting world we live in that UA caves to anti's. Wonder if this is a sign of things to come and they will cut their hunting/outdoor efforts all together. Just when they had decided to bring RR back too.....damn.

Listen, if killing a bear with a spear is legal in your neck of the woods, go for it. But don't be surprised when you do so and film yourself jumping up and down like a damn fool after you do it only to post that video on YouTube and then act surprised that a big portion of the public isn't exactly slapping you on the back for it
Interesting world we live in that UA caves to anti's. Wonder if this is a sign of things to come and they will cut their hunting/outdoor efforts all together. Just when they had decided to bring RR back too.....damn.

If you read the statement by UA, they don't seem to be intent on leaving the hunting world anytime soon. But hunters have to be respectful towards animals, especially the cute furry ones that antis freak out about. I don't blame UA, I might have done the same. Even though I don't really have a philosophical problem with spear hunting.
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I am not a huge fan of it myself, but today it is because of spearing a bear, tomorrow it will be some other sponsored hunter for something else. Shooting a mountain lion with a bow, or shooting a turkey with an arrow that lops off its head. You give them and inch and they will take a mile. Watch it happen.
I actually went to high school with Josh. He has been making homemade bows since he was young and has taken some pretty nice deer with them. He was a very good collegiate javelin thrower as well and I can't imagine anyone being more qualified to spear hunt than him. He actually parlayed a very successful bodybuilding career into this hunting deal with UA. He was always very nice in school when I knew him (7-8 years ago now).

That said, it was very disappointing to see his reaction to the death of the bear and it did not come off well at all. Like has been said previously, it is not about our opinion of it, it is the opinion of the general public that is important. Hopefully he learns from this and becomes a better example of what hunters are.

By the way, it was his wife running the camera.
I am not a huge fan of it myself, but today it is because of spearing a bear, tomorrow it will be some other sponsored hunter for something else. Shooting a mountain lion with a bow, or shooting a turkey with an arrow that lops off its head. You give them and inch and they will take a mile. Watch it happen.

I think its less about the animal being killed, and more about how the "sponsored" hunters act. Also, the anti-hunting crowd doesn't care how an animal is killed, they'll be opposed. That's not the issue either. The issue is the majority that don't identify as a hunter or anti-hunter. That crowd can be swayed in a heart-beat by idiotic crap like this.

You know, its funny, I don't ever recall a single one of my hunting mentors (Grandfathers, Dad, etc.) ever jumping around acting like a complete g-damn fool after killing an animal.

I think the commercialization of the sport and sponsored hunters has lost its way. Hunting isn't akin to professional wrestling, but guys like this seem to want to make it something like that. The sponsors need to pick the right people to represent us. The likes of this dipchit, Nugent, pigman, etc. etc. etc. (the 95% of sponsored hunters) need to stay away from a camera...they aren't doing anything positive for hunting.
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