Yeti GOBOX Collection

Case knife as Christmas gift

okie archer

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2015
Although I'm sure I'm not the first one with this idea, a great thought popped into my head a couple days ago. I plan to start a Case knife collection for my 9 year old son Drake. Beginning this Christmas I want to buy him a Case pocket knife every Christmas. I made the first purchase today. I want him to keep the knives in mint condition. Seems to me the knife collection would be very sentimental as a grown man. Drake is 9 and I'm 46. I wish I would have thought of this when he was born.Screenshot_20211213-194135.png
Cool idea. The only problem I would have is the mint condition thing. The true pleasure of a good knife is in using it. My dad gave me a fixed blade Case for my 12th birthday. It is the only physical object I still have that has direct ties to my dad and is my most prized possession. It sure as hell isn't mint condition though. I'm sure the blood stains completely penetrate the leather handle and the blade is slightly smaller from all the times it has been sharpened. It is still my number one go to knife for field dressing and always will be. I thought I had lost that knife in the fire and even bought a new one just like it to replace it. Then when I was unpacking while moving into the new house I found it in the bottom of the duffle I threw clothes into during the evacuation. I don't remember putting it there and don't know why I would have put it there but I was sure happy to find it there.
Add in a user to go with the collector. Going to be a very hard sell to convince a kid that 2 knives in a box are worth more than one in your pocket (or lost in the neighborhood).

I heartily agree with your sentiments though. My grandson has at least 4 knives in a box I’ve put back for him. A Ruger Hawkeye Compact, and a few things it may take time to appreciate. I’d cornered a couple Bear Recurves and my old York recurve for a proper background in archery, well he turns out to be left handed. Next grandson 🤞 has a leg up in archery.
Case knives are a ""GREAT THING"" to collect -- the new ones are good and easily found -- the pre-1980 are better ( 1970 ""Dotted"" knives ) for increasing value and the pre-1970 knives are even better, _ but harder to find in mint condition --- at one time I had over 300 Case knives, then I found Great Eastern Cutlery -- my opinion is that, Great Eastern is the best pocket knife made today,but a bit pricey for new collectors -- below,I have added a link to a very honest & reputable Case guy ( Knifeaholic's Collectables ) and the GEC or Great Eastern Cutlery folks ( scroll the header for their dealers ""where to buy"" ) --- GEC only makes small runs of knives and they get bought up fast ( really fast sometimes) -- E-bay is always an option for both Case & GEC, if you shop wisely ____ good luck,Monk**

My two most memorable gifts. My Barlow knife my dad game me for my 8th birthday and a Marlin model 60 .22. I no longer have the knife but the 60 is in my safe. Hopefully a grandson some day comes along to take it.

No kidding my dad was a horrible parent because I now have 2 safes full of guns and more knifes than A butcher store.

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