Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Can't get Wilderness Soon Enough for Goshawks


To answer your question, in Elkchsr's own words....
Trees are not like humans in their growth habits. They go slowly into their prime and then just fall off the other end and die fairly quickly. Like all plants. Since basically most of the trees present at any given time came up at once. They basically die at once and the next generation comes up. This is not a darwinian thing at all. Its a cyclacle thing. Its very easy to see if you have the expierience or some one pointing it out. Now that you have had a crash course in this. The old growth forests were at their prime when white man came into the region and started to take them all out. But if you truelly know what you are looking at, you will know that the ones left look pretty old and worn out. The reason for the mandate to eliminate the last of these trees on public land is because they are becomming dangerous diseased and what not. Some of the second growth behind this old growth is now at its prime and ready for harvest. It was put as a recomondation from the fs that the old growth be removed before the second growth could be harvested. The old growth they were required to remove in a commercial sence is getting to be of poor quality but had to be taken out before they could have the better wood. Or it would still be there The old growth forests we here about do not have diverse amounts of life under their branches They choked out life for so long it could'nt be I could sit here and write pages on this subject It is what I studied and lived for nearly fifteen years. As it comes to the old growth of the area I am from, there is no way to put it on the net in a fashion one can understand, the trees and the forests will be there for your life span, so if you are after more than usless banter, let me know. No matter what any one else comes up with, you will just have to live with the fact you just can't know every thing.... . One thing I can say about all of this is that you can think any thing you want, I know what I know. I have learned a lot of these things from close and careful observation. No amount of brow beating will ever change that. I had to rape and plunder huge amounts of our natural resources for personal profit to learn these things. A lot of these things I can show you, they are not written down. And as I have stated before and will again, you can see the same things, draw your own conclusions from what I show you, believe me or your lying eyes. It doesn't really matter much to me if you do or not though. Ignorance is bliss!!!!
The funny thing with both of you is that if you can't get some one to fall into your own little ideals about what your preconcieved notions of what the world should be like, which you guy's both prove continualy to be very shallow, you have to resort to calling names and brow beating, it may stop others, but I am not fooled by the ignorance. It is so very easy to sit in your little glass houses, on your little thrones and tell every one how smart you both are, but it still doesn't prove much. I live by the philosophy of "Show Me". Not tell me some thing and I will follow along like a mindless robot!!!If you think your small minded ranting on myself or others will stop me from posting where ever I like… well I would have figured by now, you would have taken notice But I do suppose you don't have much going on in your small world any way, so the continual adolescent behavior gets you thru life… I haven't seen any proof that you have even read past any misspelled words to find out what the truth really is Maybe you ought to try and read the whole topic before jumping to conclusions and taking things out of context!!! I will give you a chance again, since you so easily forgot to put in the fact that I would show you what to look for if you would only go out to the Pacific Northwest and take a look. It's not hard to see and can be shown to any one that is willing to look at the truth and not be blinded by hate and prejudices...
Yes I would even show you, the unbeliever and biggest pessimist on the board. No matter what my feelings toward you are, you have the right to know the truth.... I suppose you can say it said generally, I understand that, nothing in nature is absolute, you should understand this more than any one else on the board. I also know that most of what I have stated in that very early post, I can also show those that are really in the want to know, the challenge is, do you really want to know what can be shown to you, or will you just go by what you read, seeing that as gospel and pounded in stone fact. This requires a field trip, and as I have stated before a long time ago, you can then believe what you have read, or your lying eyes… I don't know what you mean, I put out a challenge if you wanted to make the road trip that I would show you some of what I know by seeing it with your own lying eyes, I can post on here until the cows come home and it would make no difference If you were actually honestly interested, I could go thru and explain it, but in reality, you are only looking for nothing more than finding things to dig at. So, I will not humor you on this one...You and Buzz were the ones that brought up this challenge!!! That is why!!! One thing if you haven't noticed, if you get into name calling or what ever you would like to call it today to stay politically correct, I will jump off topic when ever possible and keep it there...Fortunatly the little bit of negative diatribe you constantly put out will have no effect on the outcome of the future. I am really glad I don't have to run thru life with such a heavy chip on my shoulder!!! The misguided masses are out beating drums, they've been doing it for a long time, there is alway's some thing they have to have a cause for. Liberalism/Socialism/Communism....
All varying degrees of the same thing.
The way the Democrats are set up, one could add that name to the trio!!! I know the snide comments were only to see if you could show your arrogant superiority of having read more Socialistic news papers than I and that you have watched more news reports on our "UNBIASED" news media Was there actually a point to it, or are you just needing some one to down grade to show that you can be the bigger smarter bully? This only shows how small, petty and insignificant you can really be!!!
And yes, this whole thing went thru spell check. This gives me ammo when you don’t spell perfect, I will call you on it as I have seen you do to others…. My "Pointless Rant" only answered your questions down the line of how you posted them, nothing more. It is you that are taking things out of context, so what is your point on my using spell check any way? Is there some thing about spell check that just bothers the heck out of you, or is it you just have nothing better to come back with? I could go on endlessly to what point, it will change your mind none and you will still only see what you want to see from what ever it is that I post....Your mind is made up and nothing will sway you from that fact!!! Here is one for you, what is the big deal that spell check is used, is it that you want to show your mental superiority on spelling and putting sentences together...If that is all it is, then go suck eggs, there is two men on the board that has you beat hands down, fortunatly they don't rub your nose in the fact, they are men that I fully admire because they are true gentle man. If it is actually supposed to be meant as some thing possitive, then enlighten me!!! There are some that will bury thier heads in the sand until some one comes along and shoots it off, still hoping beyond hope that the world can just get along if it just were not for the evil Americans!!!It's pretty self explanitory and I would bet you do understand, but since it is your goal in life to discredit me I have seen quite a bit of this world, and quite a few that help fill it. If you think any of this actually bothers me, you haven't read many of my posts in the past, this is just the internet, it is a board that only in reality a very small smidgeon of the population reads, many that frequent the board don't even come in here because of the childishness of a few of the posters It does give me hours of entertainment seeing how far some will go to try and prove mute points I am in this for the long haul and this is the best board I have ever come across, so I will gladly pay for the privelage to come here, even if it means putting up with the arogance of a small select few that do what they think helps to perpetuate the SI section I will let you in on a little secret though, you can sway me with honest finds, things that I can actually check out myself, you will not change my mind on things I have personally witnessed, no matter what is said. Do you really think your meanderings and personal attacks will change any thing, with a few comments, you jump to conclusions of limitless proportions I must lead a very interesting life for you to spend so much time speculating on what I on my own time...LMAO!!!! You are very funny some times. I suppose every one needs a cause... I could go on and speculate about your life, but that would be to boring and I have to much on my plate right now any way The constant attacks here do seem to hold a pattern, You didn't start until you had finally had enough of me doing the same tactics (Tack Ticks) to another on the board that you hold dear to your heart It's not my fault that all of your hero's in the world have fallen out of power (Libs/Dems) and that you need some one to use as a whipping post. So be it, I have had better than you try the same thing, and I am still here Only elitist Liberals find this head swelling, that is why they do it in such subtle way's on the TV news all the time I will jump to conclusions about you now that you so openly do about me all the time about nothing except for the enjoyment of thinking yourself all powerful. After every post that you put up that you think you got some thing over on me or others on the board, you run off to be alone for a minute That was easy, I live in a bunker
Gunner, it doesn't say goshawk in there one time. What are you talking about? :confused:

I am amazed of the things buzz, eg and it know. I truly feel, I am in the presence of greatness. How often do we get to listen to guys that have seen everything, know everything and have done everyting, on all levels pertaining to the elements of ecology. I have to commend these guys that can pick up a book or run a search on the internet. I would comment on the topic, but lack the overwhelming experience of the big three's (buzz, eg, and it) knowledge on forestry.

I do have a question for the experts. If old growth and new growth forests have the same lumber content, and canopy coverage, why does the old growth have so much more biomass?
The thread was about protecting the habitat and land in the Rockies for the Goshawk. And Ten Beers challenged that no game species need Old Growth, which was proven wrong.
??????? You have provided proof, NO opinion, YES.
Elkchsr, your wrong on the laminated root rot, period. I dont give a crap what your arborist says.

Check this link out: http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/nr/fid/mgmtnote/lrr.pdf

Western red cedar are resistant but not immune. Check out what it says about the size of infected areas. Also, please show me any reference in any literature you can find anywhere on laminated root disease showing up on aerial photography in "fairy circles", I want you to prove me wrong.

Now check out this link on armillaria root disease, pay particular attention to the photos taken from "the camera strapped to the side of the airplane", notice the nice "fairy ring pattern" you wrongly described above related to laminated root disease.


Its simple, you dont have a clue what you're talking about, your wrong and thats a fact.

Troy, I'd hope to Christ that anyone that has a degree in forestry and 18 years of experience in the field can recognize the difference between laminated root disease and armillaria. If I didnt know the difference, I'd of lost my job years ago. Also, if elkchsr cant take the time to do a ten second internet search before he makes an ass of himself, that isnt my fault.
Troy said, "I do have a question for the experts. If old growth and new growth forests have the same lumber content, and canopy coverage, why does the old growth have so much more biomass?"

Could you elaborate on that?

The question is pretty vague, and "lumber content" is not a measure of biomass, its a measure of board foot tree volume.

I don't have a thimble full of forestry knowledge compared to Buzz, but I am not sure that your contention is true.

I think the Old Growth Ponderosa forests here were like 3-5 trees per acre, and the new growth is 80-100 trees per acre.
I thought you guys might remember that from intro to arbo. It's one of the key factors in the difference between new and old growth forests. Buzz, it has nothing to do with timber cruises and board feet of lumber. "Biomass" is the organic matter in this case a forest.

If I can remember right, this was quite a while ago. Old growth contains more biomass even though the lumber content and canopy cover is equal to new growth, because of the pine needle mat on the floor and dead tree debris. This debris on the forest floor is still concidered biomass (organic matter). That is simple basic forest ecology from a 100 level class.

I also remeber that old growth is mainly inhabited by invertabrates solely due to the lack of feed or in this case forage. Most all species that are considered "forest" animals are meadow or edge of meadow feeders and dwellers. I'm sure this is just a generalization and doesn't cover all types of forests.

Forests are obviously an ever changing, dynamic and complex system. I don't beleive that currently, logging changes a forest much different than bug infestation, fire, windthrow, etc. Opens the forest to grazing animals and for the primary species to start again, scrub oak, aspen, etc.. Two year old or older, burn areas or logged areas are my favorite places to hunt. Nothing like being nestled in a slash pile waiting for a mature buck to skirt the other side of the meadow at dusk, while eating a goshawk drumstick.

The question you asked was pretty vauge and not worded that well, I couldnt figure out why you even mentioned lumber content. To tell you the truth, old growth and stands under rotation age are so different, I dont think its real relevant to compare them. I agree with you on the total biomass of a younger stand being less than that of an older stand. I disagree that its 100 level ecology, more like 8th grade ecology knowledge, but elkchsr may find it interesting...

I also disagree that logging doesnt change the dynamics of forests differently than natural mechanisms, it most certainly does, no doubt about it.

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