Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Canned elk?


New member
Sep 1, 2019
We can a lot of venison as well as fresh caught tuna here in Virginia. Just curious if anyone cans any elk meat, looks like it would be similar to venison but wondering if anyone has.
We have bottled plenty of elk over the years and it's very good. All I add is a little salt and pepper and a tsp of beef base. It is excellent mixed up with Mayo for a quick sandwich or we make vegetable soup and add a bottle of the elk.
What’s your preferred recipe for canning deer? I’m about to be giving it a try.

Dry pack it as full as we can and remove air bubbles. Then we put a beef bullion cube on top and put it in the pressure canner for a hour.
Don’t relieve the pressure too fast. It will do weird things with the jar and make a mess. Just shut the stove off and let it naturally come down in pressure.
We do some of both deer and elk every year, same recipe, in quarts. I do 1 tsp of salt, 1 tsp vinegar, 1 slice of onion, one cheap beer for drinking. Poundage for your elevation, pack cold, no additional liquid.
Any canned venison-elk,deer, antelope-is fantastic. We just filled a shelf with quarts of deer venison. We have done elk and antelope also. Not really any difference. They are all fantastic and it makes an easy meal over some noodles, rice, or shredded for enchiladas etc. The only thing that we use, is a can of beef consomme and pressure can it, with a hot pack.
I brown with onions, garlic, and bacon grease, then can. Some of the cans I've started adding some sweet baby rays and some pepper plant hot sauce.

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