Caribou Gear Tarp

Cancelled trips...


Active member
May 31, 2020
N. Idaho
Misery loves company they say.

I had finally bocked my first trip to South Africa, scheduled for this August. It was kind of surreal from March when I booked until early July when we finally had to admit it wasn't going to happen this year. Now that August is almost here it's really hitting me that I can't go.

Anyone else with cancelled hunting trips or travels due to covid?
I had to turn my Colorado elk tag back in this week so no hunting out west for me this year.
My employer sent out the email this week stating anyone who willingly crosses state lines leaving their “home state” will be required to quarantine 14 days and use vacation. I wasn’t originally concerned because we had been granted 80 additional hours of Covid time in March to use as quarantine time so my plan was to use that when I got back. Well I was also informed that we cannot use that time if we willing travel so no bueno.
I even figured if I took off and just never said where I was going might work except I block out dates in September each year to hunt and most of my superiors at work already know where I go due to being hunters themselves.
So yes, I feel your pain. It really sucked putting my tag in the mail. I did a lot this year in preparation including knee surgery in February all so I could be ready by September. Definitely a rotten day.
I keep looking for a silver lining that maybe next year I will pull a good tag somewhere and I will now have extra vacation to put toward it to stay more days. Who knows.
Yes, I had a great trip planned and all booked. Fly into Las Vegas with my wife and make my way to CO over 2 weeks. Then i had planned to hunt CO, WY and ID over 3 weeks. All cancelled now and working instead, but plan to hunt tahr for a week in Oct.
Yes, I had a great trip planned and all booked. Fly into Las Vegas with my wife and make my way to CO over 2 weeks. Then i had planned to hunt CO, WY and ID over 3 weeks. All cancelled now and working instead, but plan to hunt tahr for a week in Oct.

Looks like the govt is trying to screw it out you that too!
Two trips----Black Hills Turkey we canceled in May, and just got through canceling our summer vacation to Gulf Shores, AL that was scheduled to start August 8th. The good thing is we had houses rented through VRBO for both places and the owners rescheduled to next year for us with no additional fees or I have 2 paid trips for next year.
Not hunting but we cancelled our family trip. We were going from PA to the grand canyon then travel up through Yellowstone to Glacier park in Montana and home... 19 day trip my wife didn't feel comfortable with doing. My pronghorn hunt to Wyoming the end of summer is still a go unless I can not lawfully make it. Sorry to hear about the cancelled trips its a bummer for sure.
I lead international group retreats every winter, usually to Central America or Mexico. This year was the Bahamas. Made the call to cancel it a month ago; the following week they banned all visitors from the US. Worst part is that it’s a substantial part of my yearly income and my main gig during the winter when my other work (contractor) slows down.
Cancelled AK Spring Bear...rescheduled for 2022
Cancelled ID Spring Turkey
I wanted to try for that winter Coues and Javelina hunt this coming winter but I'm not sure I can pull it off
Wasn't set in stone, but we were planning Idaho deer hunt with the old man. Decided to cancel figuring he wouldn't be able to drive through Canada to get there. Starting to plan it for next year instead. Bit of a bummer, been six years since I've been able to hunt with him, but I get to fish with him each summer so that helps
Canceled our annual SD group pheasant trip in Oct. Very diverse group from many places. Group decision its just not worth the risk. Its the only time of the year we all get together anymore.
This thread is depressing! Sorry for all of you who’ve had to cancel what sound like amazing trips! Unless MT cancels hunts, I’m still planning to go. As with every hunting season, my goal is to not come into contact with any other humans!
I feel like hunting is probably safer considering where you are doing it at. Most people aren't hunting down main street if their respective towns. Unless their, ya know, after some cougars. We are still going to Oregon for my dads elk hunt regardless, I reached out to the out fitter to make sure we were legal to go and everything is fine to go as of right now. You dont have to suck face with your hunting partner, and word has it that COVID doesnt like the sun.
Nothing cancelled yet as I am still hopeful the border will open in time but I think its wishful thinking. I currently have 5 Montana and Wyoming tags, waiting in Antelope results to come out for Montana... Seriously hoping I don't draw that one, never thought I'd say that...

My contingency plan/hunts will still be great hunts, Sask OTC Moose/Elk/Whitetail Buck/2xWhitetail Does, Sask Draw Mule and Manitoba Whitetail, but for some reason missing out on Wyoming Antelope seriously depresses the crap out of me...
Fishing in Canada for a week canceled. Good thing is that the deposit was forwarded to next year so the "sock" that holds my outdoor cash has a chance to grow another year.
I have canceled a family trip out west this summer and an October elk hunt. I also had to bail out on going with a buddy on his sheep hunt. ☹️

I am still hopeful that my daughter and I can make it to Idaho for deer in November. 🤞
My 10-day trip out West that I got back from this week could easily have been cancelled. There are 3 of us at work who hold the same title and the other 2 were gone last week related to COVID. My boss was exceptionally gracious and did not recall my vacation. He arranged for someone from a different region to cover. My vacation time was use it or lose it by Aug 1, so I would have burned vacation hours. One of the most generous acts I’ve had from a supervisor.

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