NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Canadians really do say "Eh"

Orca Lover

New member
Aug 15, 2004
Spanaway, WA
Interesting story. I am working as a Barista at the Puyallup Fair and right across from my stand is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. And let me tell you this, those guys can seriously drink coffee!!! And they really do say "Eh" after a statement. Not all of them though, but most of them. They have a really great show that travels all over the US and North America and I personally think you all should try to go see them if they are in your area. They travel by Tractor/Trailor combos, 4 total and 3 of them hold the horses. It is a really great show, check it out if it heads your way, Eh?
Lots of people from Northern Minnesota talk that way too. My wife is positive I am the illegitimate child of some Canadian trucker that passed through our hometown.....
The first time I ever talked to a friend of mine from Canada I was blown away by his strong accent and use of the word 'eh'. I actually kinda picked it up from him and say it occasionally myself. His other good canadian word is aboot.
They picked it up from the movie STRANGE BREW. Anyone remember that one, Dave Thomas, and that lil skinny guy.
Well, I found out some really cool stuff aboot one of the horses. She was given to the RCMP by the Queen. I think that is the coolest thing.
Hubby raved about that goofy movie for years. Finally I found it on DVD last year and decided to finally see what all the fuss was about. I guess it makes more sense after a few brews? Possibly a couple of blunts? :confused:

Then again maybe it's just a guy thing. :rolleyes:

So OL were they wearing the pretty red uniforms?

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