Caribou Gear

Can Utah spell a-u-d-i-t?

Ben Long

Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Kalispell, MT
Sportsmen and taxpayers continue to get hosed in Utah, with the Leg funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife and its spinoff, Big Game Forever. with no strings attached or real reporting required. The Salt Lake City Tribune this weekend called for accountability and transparency. Here's the editorial"

Where’s the money?

Cut off tax funds to anti-wolf group
First Published Jul 07 2013 05:14 pm • Last Updated Jul 07 2013 10:17 pm

Utah taxpayers should demand to know exactly how an anti-wolf-reintroduction group is spending their money.

A report the political action group filed last week reveals next to nothing about what the group Big Game Forever is doing with more than $300,000 the Utah Legislature has handed over to block federal protection of wolves.

That’s a sizable chunk of taxpayer money that has disappeared with virtually nothing to show for it. And legislators are poised to dole out another $300,000, the fourth allocation of state funds made to the group. Big Game Forever received $100,000 in grants in 2010 and 2011 from the state Division of Wildlife Resources’ hunting and fishing license fees.

Big Game Forever makes the kind of claims that attract support from conservative lawmakers who want state control over wolves. But the group provides no receipts for what last year’s $300,000 handout covered.

A legislative audit of the organization is overdue, and Sen. Gene Davis is acting responsibly in calling for an accounting.

Bountiful attorney Ryan Benson organized BGF as a spin-off from the influential political advocacy group Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife in April 2010 and has been collecting money from the state ever since. Benson owes taxpayers a half-million-dollar explanation, and the Legislature should put a hold on any more money going to the organization until he comes clean.

It appears the group received last year’s funding as payment for lobbying the Obama administration to remove the gray wolf from federal protection under the Endangered Species Act.

But the move was well underway before that, and last month the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed delisting the predator, citing the gray wolf’s rebound in the Northern Rockies since it was reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park and Idaho in 1995. The BGF report mostly describes activities that occurred before the year covered in the contract and provides no detailed accounting for the contract year.

The group’s website calls wolf protection a "war on the West" and makes the unsubstantiated claim that "wolf overpopulation is dramatically damaging and even eliminating entire populations of moose, Rocky Mountain elk and other large ungulate populations."

The Legislature should not make tax revenues available as a piggy bank to nongovernmental entities without demanding detailed explanations of where the money goes.

And here's the link to the news reporting

Either you know someone on the inside, or you have great foresight.

Audit launched into anti-wolf funding - Lawmakers approve examination of state payments to private group.

By Brian Maffly
The Salt Lake Tribune

Legislative leaders on Monday ordered an audit to examine how a political-action organization has spent Utah taxpayers’ money in an ongoing effort to wrest control of wolf management from federal hands.

Big Game Forever, a Utah-based non-profit that spun off Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife in 2010, has secured hundreds of thousands of dollars in state money over the past four years to evict the gray wolf from the endangered species list. But the group’s founders Don Peay and Ryan Benson have not disclosed where the money goes in their reports to the Legislature and to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR).

State auditors have already made informal inquiries into how the group spent a $300,000 appropriation for fiscal year 2013. But because Big Game Forever "commingles" its funds from multiple sources, it might not be possible to determine exactly what Utah taxpayers’ money bought, according to Legislative Auditor General John Schaff.

"How do I know that receipt is for state money versus funds coming from other sources?" Schaff told the legislative audit subcommittee Monday. "The problem is this is a private company. We have authority to look at state funding. We don’t have authority to look at funding from other sources."

This did not sit well with Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis, D-Salt Lake City, who requested the audit.

"I would like to see accountability on the half million that has been spent. I would like to see where that money went and for what purposes," Davis said.

Meanwhile, Big Game Forever is poised to receive a second $300,000 state appropriation for fiscal year 2014. Davis argued that DWR, which manages the contract with Big Game Forever, should withhold the money pending the release of the audit.

The audit subcommittee, however, lacks the authority to do that, but some lawmakers may ask DWR to sit on the money.

The panel did ask Schaff to find out what other states, if any, are funding Big Game Forever, how much they contribute and to explore how it will spend the next $300,000.

During the legislative session, Peay told lawmakers he was going to use the money to block federal attempts to "introduce" Mexican gray wolves into southern Utah, even though there is scant evidence such a plan is afoot.

Schaff said he intends to also examine how Big Game Forever spent two earlier $100,000 DWR grants in pursuit of "legal and legislative solutions to return management for gray wolves to the state of Utah." The grants — from state general-fund monies, not from fees on sportsmen as previously indicated — required the group to keep accounting records "for state review if requested."

A DWR official said the agency had never requested to review those records.

Big Game Forever executive Benson, a Salt Lake City lawyer, has not responded to several requests for comment.

Last week, he submitted a 120-page report to DWR summarizing Big Game Forever’s "accomplishments" arising from the $300,000, but it shed little light on its spending other than to attribute various amounts in five broad categories. It did say the group used the appropriation to obtain "matching dollars," but it provided no numbers.

"Normally you report how much and where it came from," said Rep. Patrice Arent, D-Millcreek, another critic of the appropriation. "Maybe I’m missing something. I have worked for non-profits my whole life. You get paid as you submit expenses or as you complete the work."

One of the appropriation’s chief backers, Senate Majority Leader Ralph Okerlund, R-Monroe, welcomed the audit.

"I think they will find the money was spent very well," he said.

The feds have long signalled an intent to delist the gray wolf from federal protection across the nation, so critics like Davis wonder why Utah should divert money to a politically connected special-interest group to fight a battle that appears won.

The Fish and Wildlife Service formally proposed delisting last month, paving the way for states to manage wolf populations.

Wolves were exterminated from Utah by 1930, but they are expected to return should the populations in the Northern Rockies continue to expand into their historic range to the south.
Shouldnt be hard for Benson and Peay-day to produce some receipts. The services/activities probably werrent funded with the state $$ money but will be passed off as such. These people are professional liars and I don't expect this audit to show anything. In fact, I'm more worried they will "comply" and try and spin it to make themselves look good. "Hey, we passed your audit, give us more $$$"
Shouldnt be hard for Benson and Peay-day to produce some receipts. The services/activities probably werrent funded with the state $$ money but will be passed off as such. These people are professional liars and I don't expect this audit to show anything. In fact, I'm more worried they will "comply" and try and spin it to make themselves look good. "Hey, we passed your audit, give us more $$$"

I think that's a given. Liars know how to lie. These two are some of the best.

It would be great to see a few hundred Utah sportsmen show up to this audit and gently ask the legislators who they work for: their bundlers Peay and Benson or their constituents.
I live here in Utah and I think that the problem is that most people are so bamboozled as to what the SFW and BGF are up to. It is nice to see the news running these articles but there needs to be more publicity as to what they are up to.

Too funny.
I would love to see these jackasses get nailed and the Utah Convention collapse.

Seems like this bunch of clowns have done a pretty good job of convincing the people of Utah,that they are ''To big to fail''.
They have done a fine job selling the idea that the fall of SFW and BGF would be a sign of the Apocalypse.

Not hard to see why SFW and BGF have flourished in Utah. The state has more scams than deer these days.

Utah has been named America's scam capital. Some useful advice for anyone considering joining a multi-level marketing company.

by Rebecca Edwards

Tahitian Noni Juice, USANA, Nu Skin, Xango -- all are names that most Utahans know. If you have ever driven southbound on I-15 toward Provo then you have seen the proliferation of multi-level marketing (MLM), or pyramid scheme companies, that are booming in our state. In fact, Utah has been named America's "Scam Capital" by
It concerns me that we're going to cut off their head and have them grow two more.

It's crazy how many connections these guys are making, and how much they're spreading their roots out. Seems like they see the writing on the wall, and are giving themselves escape routes.

Stuff like Sitka Gear sending their staff to hunt with Arctic Red River Outfitters is unnerving to me, to say the least.
Not hard to see why SFW and BGF have flourished in Utah. The state has more scams than deer these days.

Utah has been named America's scam capital. Some useful advice for anyone considering joining a multi-level marketing company.

by Rebecca Edwards

Tahitian Noni Juice, USANA, Nu Skin, Xango -- all are names that most Utahans know. If you have ever driven southbound on I-15 toward Provo then you have seen the proliferation of multi-level marketing (MLM), or pyramid scheme companies, that are booming in our state. In fact, Utah has been named America's "Scam Capital" by

Ouch; but true. Locally MLM stands for Mormons Losing Money
It concerns me that we're going to cut off their head and have them grow two more.

It's crazy how many connections these guys are making, and how much they're spreading their roots out. Seems like they see the writing on the wall, and are giving themselves escape routes.

Stuff like Sitka Gear sending their staff to hunt with Arctic Red River Outfitters is unnerving to me, to say the least.

It concerns me that we're going to cut off their head and have them grow two more.

It's crazy how many connections these guys are making, and how much they're spreading their roots out. Seems like they see the writing on the wall, and are giving themselves escape routes.

Stuff like Sitka Gear sending their staff to hunt with Arctic Red River Outfitters is unnerving to me, to say the least.

..well put Randy.
It concerns me that we're going to cut off their head and have them grow two more.

It's crazy how many connections these guys are making, and how much they're spreading their roots out. Seems like they see the writing on the wall, and are giving themselves escape routes.

Stuff like Sitka Gear sending their staff to hunt with Arctic Red River Outfitters is unnerving to me, to say the least.

I really would like to see a better link to the Peay/Arctic Red Connection. I've seen the business profiles page, but I would like to see more.

Sitka and Jason from KUIU head to Arctic Red annually....which is kind of ironic as KUIU is a Platinum Level Sponsor of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

I wonder if hunters starting raising issue they may seek out other outfitters. Additionally, it'd be awesome if hunters started protesting the Utah show. I know it would cause a lot of distraction for the vendors, but clearly people aren't yelling loud enough yet.

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