Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Can I Climb It?

I think you'll be in for more of a surprise than you think when you get there. It's easy to draw a line on Google earth. Sticking to that line is totally different. While escouting is great and all and definitely helps, but it's gotten me into some real shit over the years that I thought wouldn't be that bad. Because of escouting..

Nothing like good ol boots on the ground for the real knowledge and execution.

Good luck and be but remember not to rely on it out there.
Daylight climbing is easier that headlight illuminated climbing. Going up seems safer than descending, day or night.

If you right-click on your path, it'll give you the option to show elevation profile. I thought this draw would be an easy path to the creek bottom, but the -50% grade at the arrow turned out to be a 20 ft waterfall with cliff-lines on both sides completely concealed by the foliage. YMMV - Good luck if you succeed.
Why the hell would you want to? I'm a flatlander and like a little adventure but there looks like there may be some better ways around that unless you're skilled at climbing that.
I would say go for it. If an elk can do it, so can you!

I don't know about that!! Last fall I watched a couple young 4x4 Whitetails act like they were Billy Goats. Damn near went straight up a cliff. And, they appeared to do it with ease!! Those were the first two bucks I'd seen on my scouting and thought if that's what I need to do....I'm in trouble. :D
I don't know about that!! Last fall I watched a couple young 4x4 Whitetails act like they were Billy Goats. Damn near went straight up a cliff. And, they appeared to do it with ease!! Those were the first two bucks I'd seen on my scouting and thought if that's what I need to do....I'm in trouble. :D

Chug some Mtn Ops and just giver (y)
Really depends on the terrain. If there are a lot of scree fields, then you really need to watch yourself, especially in the descent as you could get to the bottom more quickly then you’d like and with some broken bones to boot. Either way, go have a look before the season and trekking poles are a must.
After seeing in person my answer is #2 hell no, and #1 not even possible without climbing gear. The mountain had sheer cliff faces on certain sections and about 30" off snow. Very easy to cross off before I even scouted, and gives a great frame of reference for my future e-scouting.

Appreciate you checking back in on the topic, one in hundred do it
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