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Camping on Public Land


Active member
Dec 1, 2015
So i am looking at pickup up my first canvas wall tent today for my future hunts, in the past i have slept in my truck or back of it on public land. Guys who have used wall tents have you ever had issue with leaving tents out having stuff stolen or having everything stolen? I will mostly be using in BLM areas not in the forest so it will be more visible. Thanks
I've never had the experience of anyone messing with my stuff. We usually just leave coolers and everything out. Generally I think people will assume you can see them with your optics from wherever you are hunting and they leave it alone.
I have never had any problems. I usually put out a couple game cameras hidden in the bushes if legal in that state. Usually your home owners ins. will cover a certain amount if damaged or stolen property call them to be sure.
The homeowner's insurance is a good call, and it may work with renter's insurance too. I'd call your insurance company to confirm, and you may be able to add a rider ($25/month or something) to insure a certain amount of recreational gear like tents and coolers.
Most dudes have enough of their own crap to haul around and there is an assumption that you are armed and could show up at any minute. I have been wall tenting / car camping dozens of times and never had anyone mess with anything.
We've never had any issues except a black bear poking his head into our tent one morning. However, sadly someone stole a someone's moose off a game pole in our campground many years ago. We put our extra guns or other very expensive/ sentimental items in a locked truck while we're gone. It would take a real POS to come out to a hunting area and steal, but I'm sure it happens.
I have had camps set up for up to three weeks in the west. No issues.

I am considering setting up a winter lion hunting camp on private property that is accessible. One concern is theft, but then again not many people will be up there as soon as the snow flies.

I am talking 3 to 4 months if the rancher will let me.
I feel that usually, the people who grab stuff is more of an opportunist who sees something and then performs the "dash and grab". Things like gas cans, 4 wheeler ramps, propane tanks takes, etc...

I personally have had a couple hundred dollars stolen from my tent trailer while me and a buddy were out hunting. We were camped in a campground and there were many other camps in the area. We had a pretty good idea who it was but could not prove anything. Just counted it as a loss and lesson learned.

I once had an acquaintance I met while hunting Utah. I'd see him and talk to him in the course of several years during deer season. He was an out of state hunter like I was. He would tent camp high on top of a mountain that I hunted on. One season years ago I ran into him as he was packing up what was left of his camping stuff. Seems some locals did not like him camping in their area and trashed his equipment and crapped on his cut up tent. I guess to send him a message.

Although this is rare and never happened again to my knowledge, it has always stuck in my mind and I have become very cautious. I really think these are isolated incidents and usually does not happen that often... As Rcfireninja stated above, knock on wood!
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I have never had an issue. Last September when a buddy and I were elk hunting in Oregon, we would be gone from dark to dark for almost 2 weeks and no one messed with our stuff. I hunt coyotes on BLM often which im bouncing around different areas making stands and no one messes with my stuff ever. Like mentioned above I think its mostly just the opportunistic thieves(like trail cam thieves) or they assume you are armed and close by so they don't mess with it. I am cautious depending on the area im in and will sometimes lock my expensive stuff inside my truck.
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