Calling questions?

Blue Yummies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Bozeman, MT
What time of day is best for calling coyotes?

I have been going every night and getting a bunch of coyotes
to call me back with the locator calls and the female invitation, but I can't seem to get them to come in with the jackrabbit.
Will coyotes come to rodent/rabbit distress calls from far away?
If you hear a family of coyotes will they leave each other to any calls?

What are some of the tricks that you guys have up your sleeve
to get the yotes?
What time of day is best for calling coyotes?

Middle of the day.

I have been going every night and getting a bunch of coyotes
to call me back with the locator calls and the female invitation, but I can't seem to get them to come in with the jackrabbit.?

Get a different jackrabbit. It should be obvious, even to a rookie like you that the current jackrabbit cant do, well jack ----

Will coyotes come to rodent/rabbit distress calls from far away?

No they will not. In fact they do not even come in to rodent/rabbit distress calls at all.

If you hear a family of coyotes will they leave each other to any calls?
Did your dad leave your mom & you for something better? Of course they will leave their family. Give them something they can't resist. Stability.

What are some of the tricks that you guys have up your sleeve
to get the yotes?
This is where your confused. If you are calling with sleeves on then you are doing something wrong. Two words. Wife beater. And I'm not talking about your dad.
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Right now is a tough time to call.... Biologically speaking the dogs are coming into mating season. Its like pre-rut for elk. The Alpha male dogs are starting to hang tight with the females, Young males are being pushed away but still searching for a piece of a$$. Male dogs will start to get really territorial here in a few weeks. But just like any breeding season most of the animals are more concerned with breeding versus eating... Yes you will occasionally call one into a rabbit in distress.... I like to find areas where they have been feeding on old carcasses and challenge bark the dogs maybe with a few distress calls afterward if the answer and don't move in. They'll defend their food sources... Also although there aren't any fawns out there this time of year, but I use a fawn in distress call. Even young deer make the distress call when caught. Coyotes are more likely to come to a banquet than a plate of appetizers...But biologicall speaking you can see why they are answering more to the coyote vocalizations than that of coming to feed.... tis that time of year...

Here in a few weeks you should be able to bark many dogs in... and after they have pups they start to feed heavily again and the distress calls and pup in distress call will kick butt....

Right now I would say call anytime that its not warm outside. Prior to weather systems passing through and post weather systems passing away. Dog have really thick winter coats are really aren't into running around in heat with those coats. Also hunt the times of day you see the most prey out. IF you see deer and rabbits etc. moving around in the middle of the day, that's the time you need to be out...

Just some thoughts.....
Did your dad leave your mom & you for something better? Of course they will leave their family. Give them something they can't resist. Stability.

This is where your confused. If you are calling with sleeves on then you are doing something wrong. Two words. Wife beater. And I'm not talking about your dad.

Are we harboring a hidden past Wyo?? Look buddy I am here to ask for
advice, not wanting to read about how bad your childhood was.

Thank you sneakem for the advice, I went out this mornin and used a female invite and
the screaming JACK!!! (Wyo) and got a pair to come in, got the female.

So knowing now that it is breeding season you say that it is better to do male challenge
call to get the boys in close?? How frequent and how long do I call with the foxpro?

Thanks again sneakum, I think it is cool that you are giving me sound advice.
Blue Yummies-

I use a variety of reed calls when out calling, and coyotes will travel long distances to come into calls. The theory out there is that if you don't have a yote in within 15 min. it is time to move. I like to sit for at least 30 min because I have had a great deal of success from 20 - 30 min. Also, be sure when you start calling softly and gradually increase volume in case there is a yote nearby. If you open to loud you are likely to spook them. I also like to use a squeeker at closer ranges. Typically when I am doing a set, I will call for up to 5-7 min. at a time. Remember, lots of people use the Foxpros, so try to mix in some mouth calls of your own to add variences. Coyotes are smart and learn quickly, especially if they have been shot at.

On another note, I would like to express my dissapointment in Wyodeerhunter's response. I thought this was a sight for helping one another out, not to be an ass. As a casual observer, if I saw that kind of behavior before I joined the site, I sure as hell wouldn't of.

Blue yummies, if I can answer any other questions let me know.
Thanks big whimm
These coyotes havent heard a gunshot, pretty green. But my main question now is, I call and get 3 packs to call back and maybe one lone dog.
Now what? Do I move closer to a pack or start different calls?
It seems that when I get a pack to answer I cant get them to move.

Hey sneakum how many pounds was that yote that you got?

On another note, I would like to express my dissapointment in Wyodeerhunter's response. I thought this was a sight for helping one another out, not to be an ass. As a casual observer, if I saw that kind of behavior before I joined the site, I sure as hell wouldn't of.



You will see people be an ass occasionally, 99% of the time guys on here will help hunters out. Blue Yummies is just reaping what he sowed by being a total ass to anyone and everyone. Do a search of his posts if you don't believe me.

I saw Wyo's post and thought it was kinda tongue and cheeck dry humor. He did answer the

I'm actually new to coyote hunting too. If it's breeding season, would a female coaxer type call work well...?
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On another note, I would like to express my dissapointment in Wyodeerhunter's response. I thought this was a sight for helping one another out, not to be an ass. As a casual observer, if I saw that kind of behavior before I joined the site, I sure as hell wouldn't of.

Blue Yummies has come about as close as anyone to getting banned here for his behavior. I'm surprised anyone stepped up to help him out after the way he acted his first 10 months on the forum.
Blue Yummies has come about as close as anyone to getting banned here for his behavior. I'm surprised anyone stepped up to help him out after the way he acted his first 10 months on the forum.

Ditto to what Nemont and Oak said....

And, I LMAO at WyoDeerHunter's answers. They were great. They provided information and entertainment.

Anybody that gets offended around here generally doesn't last too long....
On another note, I would like to express my dissapointment in Wyodeerhunter's response.

WDH never fails to disapoint, that is why he makes me laugh. You should see some of his mad antler lamp skills or his hot shed hunting partners:D
Blue Yummies has come about as close as anyone to getting banned here for his behavior. I'm surprised anyone stepped up to help him out after the way he acted his first 10 months on the forum.

Yes you guys are a bunch of saints as well. Way to knock a guy for his new years resolution of slowing down on my drinking.
Oak, I guess you have forgotten all those times when I gave you sound advice.

Now more input on calling coyotes please!!!!!!!!!!
I have to agree with JoseQuervo. Ya I hope you boys don't get all sensitive and stuff.
As far as coyote advise, I can use some major advise myself as I'm the words worst coyote hunter. That is why I'm reading this forum.
Blue Yummies-

On another note, I would like to express my dissapointment in Wyodeerhunter's response. I thought this was a sight for helping one another out, not to be an ass. As a casual observer, if I saw that kind of behavior before I joined the site, I sure as hell wouldn't of.

Blue yummies, if I can answer any other questions let me know.

Are you saying I gave bad advice? Granted I'm not much of a predator caller but I KNOW my chit when it comes to coyotes. Thats a quote from ;)

I am truly offended, if anyone was seeking my advice. I would
be more than willing to offer a helping hand.

When I want to know the calorie content in beers that taste bad, I'll ask....better yet beg for your advice.

Are we harboring a hidden past Wyo?? Look buddy I am here to ask for
advice, not wanting to read about how bad your childhood was..

My childhood was great....I had BOTH parents. how was yours? Did you get a pack of smokes for your birthday?

Thank you sneakem for the advice, I went out this mornin and used a female invite and
the screaming JACK!!! (Wyo) and got a pair to come in, got the female.

Liar. You don't have to lie to make friends. After all those guys you sit next to at the bar that know nothing about you, they are your friends.

How frequent and how long do I call with the foxpro?.

You using the foxpro as a beginner would be like giving a 5 year old a set of car keys and sending him to the liquor store. Does this bring up the past for you? Are you still mad that your dad beat you after you brought back budweiser instead of Miller High Life? It really wasn't your fault Blue Yummies. When you were 5 you couldn't read, kind like present day huh buddy? Hang in there, it will get better. I promise.
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Ernesto is uninsultable...nor is is learned rejoinders evidentiary of offensive intent. shit.
Here is a quote deerpocher, "Don't use photos from the foxpro website."

I am truly hooked on calling these yotes and was suprised as hell to get one in the fog
this morning and as soon as I shot her, I thought wyodehntr was right. I am so glad I wrote on the forum and felt privaleged enough to get his expertise.
Wyodeerhunter-are you really going to stick that call back in your mouth after it is laying on that vermon? Yuck!
Here is a quote deerpocher, "Don't use photos from the foxpro website.".

I will take this as a compliment. Do you really think its good enough to put on their website??

I thought wyodehntr was right. I am so glad I wrote on the forum and felt privaleged enough to get his expertise.

You don't know how many times I've heard this. Some say it could even be a commandment. Whatever that is.

You want some honest advice? I've give you some even though I shouldn't help your sorry ass out at all. But I figure I've made you cry enough so here goes.

Forget what calls to use. Distress call, howlers, etc forget it.

What's most important is the "setup". Where you are going to call. You must use the terrain to your advantage. This is important because if a coyote sees you while you are going into your stand the gig is up. Doesn't matter what call you use.

If you call too close to your truck and the coyotes see your truck it doesn't matter what call you use.

If you are noisy and am playing that techno crap or any new country or slam your doors it doesn't matter what call you use.

If you set up and the wind is wrong it doesn't matter what call you use.

If while calling you are constantly moving or do not break up your outline it doesn't matter what call you use.

If you call where there are no coyotes, it doesn't matter what call you use.

If you do all the above right then it doesn't really matter what calls you do. Heck you can even Howl first, then go to distress or vise versa. It doesn't matter.

Coyotes are curious animals and will come investigate. But they sure as hell are not going to come in if you break any of the above.

It is also the above reasons while most of my success calling is solo ventures. The less people the better. That shouldn't be a problem with you because you have no friends.

Too many people get caught up in the calls. If you figure out where to call at and am able to sneak in you will get 2x the coyotes you are getting now.

Looking at my coyote photos I do have a habit of sticking the calls in the pic. I do it for various reasons but mainly just to remember what call I had that day.
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