calling javelina with predator call. Help?


Active member
May 18, 2016
I hope to be drawn for Archery javelina in AZ. If so, I'd like to be prepared to include calling javelina into my tool kit.

The question I have is, does time of year or time of day matter? I'm likely to glass the mornings and evenings and try some blind calling during the remainder of the day. It would seem to me that the one important thing is that javelina be present. That's seems to be the case with most things we hunt. LOL.

If anybody has experience beyond watching you tube videos, I'd like to hear.

I’ve never had luck blind calling them. I’ve only ever had some luck with a call when we have busted a group either because we shot one or they blew out on their own. It really seems to blow a group up but can result in some charging back. I think glassing and stalking is a better, lower impact technique
Time of year shouldn't matter. When I shot my javelina, we saw a group go into a thick draw and figured they bedded down for the day. This was late morning. I got about 50 yards from the draw before I started calling and the whole group came running right in to me. Even after I shot mine there were a couple that were still fired up and didn't want to leave. My dad had been watching from across the wash and he snuck in behind them and got another one. It seemed like a very effective strategy to me.
I’ve never had luck blind calling them. I’ve only ever had some luck with a call when we have busted a group either because we shot one or they blew out on their own. It really seems to blow a group up but can result in some charging back. I think glassing and stalking is a better, lower impact technique
I agree with TheTone. Spot and stalk. Call when you break up a group. Be ready. They can come flying back in and startle you. I've called after I hit and killed one at twenty yards just to see what the group would do and wow some of the group came back quickly.
Thanks guys.

My thought is that if I find a likely area where javs could be hidden in the cover and I'm not likely to return, there can't be any harm in attempting to call them. In other words if the animals are there, they should respond whether I see them at the outset or not.

I imagine that people correlate poor success with blind calling because the pigs aren't there to respond in the first place. If you call in ten locations that have no pigs. they won't come. Same applies to ducks, turkey and elk.
You should draw. I've drawn every year I've put in. I'll be back again in January for coues and I expect javis. I've never had luck blind calling, besides spot and stalk is way more fun.
The advice by everyone so far is spot on in my experience. Calling Javelina can be hit and miss and is far from a sure thing. I have never found time of year to be a factor. I would only call in a couple situations. Spot and stalk is my best technique and they really are not that hard to sneak up on as long as the wind is in your favor.
When I have called after breaking up a group I have noticed that the mamas round up the babies and book it. A few pigs will circle back to check you out and can be aggressive. You have a short window but it can offer you a shot opportunity.

If you have them in sight or know they are close by and they are unaware of you like @bigsky2 did you can have success calling them right to you for a fight. If you really want to call, I would try this method as you aren't alerting them first.

What call are you planning on using?
Thanks CouesKelly,

I'm not sure that I know which brand, I used to have a Circe predator call that I thought sounded about right.

I do plan to use spot and stalk as my primary method ( I have taken two that way) but I just can't glass all day. I am too impatient and I think having pigs come running in would be a neat trick.
Javelina are most active in the middle of the day since they don't have any real insulation. I rarely see them moving before 9 am and often see them at lunchtime. I've called them back after busting up a herd but never blind called them in.

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