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California Bans Travel to Idaho

Always good to see the Idaho legislature pass laws that result in lawsuits and legal problems that my taxes pay for...
As the proud parent of two lesbian daughters, I'm glad they aren't growing up in the ignorant world you did.

What does who are children choose to have relationships with when they get older have anything to do with boys competing against girls in children’s sports that was the topic of the conversation I thought ,
As the proud parent of two lesbian daughters, I'm glad they aren't growing up in the ignorant world you did.

ooch! If I am reading his (oregonchris ) post correctly, he (and Idaho) are talking about boys playing in girls sports, ( or against them ) As a female who is young enough to have experienced some of this, I also dont feel that boys should play in girls sports. "On Average" they are taller, stronger, faster and more aggressive -- important ingredients in sports. This is not a slam against your family and if your daughters want to play in girls sports they can, and if they are good enough and are not afraid of getting hurt they will be allowed to play with the boys. Girls playing in sports with the boys, do so at their own peril. Boys playing on teams with the girls, gives that team an advantage, simply because boys are taller, stronger, faster and more aggressive --"on average"

Let me add, I will never tell my parents or grandparents that they lived in an ignorant generation--different, but not ignorant
ooch! If I am reading his (oregonchris ) post correctly, he (and Idaho) are talking about boys playing in girls sports, ( or against them ) As a female who is young enough to have experienced some of this, I also dont feel that boys should play in girls sports. "On Average" they are taller, stronger, faster and more aggressive -- important ingredients in sports. This is not a slam against your family and if your daughters want to play in girls sports they can, and if they are good enough and are not afraid of getting hurt they will be allowed to play with the boys. Girls playing in sports with the boys, do so at their own peril. Boys playing on teams with the girls, gives that team an advantage, simply because boys are taller, stronger, faster and more aggressive --"on average"

Let me add, I will never tell my parents or grandparents that they lived in an ignorant generation--different, but not ignorant

This article gives a bit more detail on the topic.

What are your thoughts on Caster Semenya?
Under a the Idaho gender law she wouldn't be allowed to play period because she is a woman with XY chromosomes, and therefore high testosterone levels.
Just another way to destroy our country and individual family values. That's what happens when you play no score baseball and everyone gets a trophy. But I do think it is interesting that at least indirectly they are admitting the distinction of a "boy" and a "girl".

Life ain't fair, might as well let them know early that they don't always get what they want. Boys should be boys, girls should be girls. If you feel that don't cover it, I guess you could create an "other" category to compete against each other.
Not even a thread veiled with public land, hunting, etc... I see this one going places.

I know, California bans travel to states where boys and girls can hunt on public land because it doesn't differentiate between the two...

Wait, that doesn't work either.

This article gives a bit more detail on the topic.

What are your thoughts on Caster Semenya?
Under a the Idaho gender law she wouldn't be allowed to play period because she is a woman with XY chromosomes, and therefore high testosterone levels.

Kids are born with medical conditions all the time that restricts their participation in all walks of like. My nephew has a heart condition and can't play football. But he loves football. And he will never be able to serve in the armed forces. Everything in life has restrictions for one reason or another. Just have to learn disappointment and find something else.
ooch! If I am reading his (oregonchris ) post correctly, he (and Idaho) are talking about boys playing in girls sports, ( or against them ) As a female who is young enough to have experienced some of this, I also dont feel that boys should play in girls sports. "On Average" they are taller, stronger, faster and more aggressive -- important ingredients in sports. This is not a slam against your family and if your daughters want to play in girls sports they can, and if they are good enough and are not afraid of getting hurt they will be allowed to play with the boys. Girls playing in sports with the boys, do so at their own peril. Boys playing on teams with the girls, gives that team an advantage, simply because boys are taller, stronger, faster and more aggressive --"on average"

Let me add, I will never tell my parents or grandparents that they lived in an ignorant generation--different, but not ignorant
Well it was ignorant and we don't associate with my grandparents and several cousins for this exact reason. I don't care what the standard was when they were growing up, we know better now (the reality is that plenty of people knew better back then too). I don''t think government should be running schools or any of the programs associated with them, but that is the world we live in. Since that is the case, the government funded schools have an obligation to be inclusive to all of it's students.
My parents raised me to not call anyone "ignorant" regardless of the circumstances. We may have a difference of opinion on a subject, but it does not make either of us ignorant, at least that is what I was taught and believe. I was taught to listen to what others are saying and their opinion as you may learn something new or change your mind about a subject. Or you may choose to disagree after the conversation which is also o.k. It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable. Therefore I stand by my prior comments. I will not call you or anyone else "ignorant". I will respect my elders. And I still believe it is unfair and possibly even unsafe for a boy to play on a girls team, as "on average" boys are bigger, faster, stronger, so I feel the "girls" team that has boys ( biologically ) on it will have an advantage over an all girls team. But that is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on the subject. I will let you have the last word and not respond further
My parents raised me to not call anyone "ignorant" regardless of the circumstances. We may have a difference of opinion on a subject, but it does not make either of us ignorant, at least that is what I was taught and believe. I was taught to listen to what others are saying and their opinion as you may learn something new or change your mind about a subject. Or you may choose to disagree after the conversation which is also o.k. It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable. Therefore I stand by my prior comments. I will not call you or anyone else "ignorant". I will respect my elders. And I still believe it is unfair and possibly even unsafe for a boy to play on a girls team, as "on average" boys are bigger, faster, stronger, so I feel the "girls" team that has boys ( biologically ) on it will have an advantage over an all girls team. But that is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on the subject. I will let you have the last word and not respond further

Well said...

You know, I never got beat up so bad as when a girl kicked my butt. Maybe ego played a part too. Also, my mom taught me to never hit a girl. But you make a great point. (y)
Kids are born with medical conditions all the time that restricts their participation in all walks of like. My nephew has a heart condition and can't play football. But he loves football. And he will never be able to serve in the armed forces. Everything in life has restrictions for one reason or another. Just have to learn disappointment and find something else.

Growing up is tough, I see no reason to make it harder.
When I coached my athletes looked at how I treated them and their peers and followed suit.

Give both of those facts, I personally would error on the side of inclusion, ask the kids where they feel most comfortable participating and then move on.

My soccer team was coed till middle-school, skiing was coed those separate scored, same with cross country, and biking in college. All my college intramural sports were coed as well.
Perhaps if I had play football/hokey/baseball etc my perception would be different.
If I understand correctly, without a law like Idaho passed any 17 year high school boy could say he identifies as a girl, and participate on the girls wrestling team.
If I had a high school aged daughter there is no way I would let her go out and let some guy ride her around the mat for six minutes.

I don't see that law being against gay rights, I see it as allowing girls to participate against competition with similar skill sets.
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