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Cabelas Ratings


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Jan 13, 2011
I've rated most of the products I have gotten from Cabelas over the years. Some good some not but I attempted to submit a review recently and it seems they don't like what I have to say. The review was on a pair of their new light hunter boots by Mendle. I payed $200 for them and expected them to be good boots. When I got them the left boot had a defect in the lining. I returned the boots and attempted to post my review. After 3 tries I figure it must not be making the cut and they are kicking it out. In each review I wrote that I was disappointed because of the build quality of the boots. I also wrote that the boots were made in Vietnam and not in Europe as most Mendle boots. I haven't decided if they are kicking it because I say there was a problem or because they want their customers to think the boots are made in Europe as the Mendle name suggests.

Either way they suck don't buy them and remember Cabela's doesn't post all the reviews they receive. One more reason to buy local or shop at sportsmans warehouse.
I have never rated their stuff, or my purchases. Was always very pleased and happy with my gear. However, I will say that their quality has gone downhill. Their policies suck now, (re: returns) b/c of all the folks who abused the wonderful guranatee. (pull into Sydeny, load the truck with gear and drop it back off used and abused and ask for money back.) Finally, I feel (let me use one of these lovely 'feel' statements' common these days :) I feel they need to focus on quality, not quantity and get back to being in business for the serious outdoorsmen! Thanks 6speed for the fyi on the Mendle's. My perfekt hunters are about warn out, and looked at these to start the breakin in process for next season.
Glad I could help. I was going to get the Perfekt boots but they were back ordered 2 weeks so I decided to go with these. They are far from the same quality but close to the same price. I ended up getting a pair of Zamberlans that I think may be the greatest boots available in the under $300 price point.
I bought boots and waders from them and never will again. The waders were their brand and leaked the first year that I bought them. I replaced them after the season. The new pair were used the following season and had the same leaks in the seam. They would not replace them since the original purchase was older even though the replacements were less then a year old, they go off of the original purchase. I had also bought a pair of Cabelas brand leather hunting boots for an elk hunt. After 2 years they were falling apart at the seems and they had told me they no longer have a lifetime warranty on their boots even though that was the reason i bought them in the first place. They offered me $10.00 of the purchase of my next pair. I know shop elsewhere for most of my products as their brand name products have not been very good.
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