Caribou Gear Tarp

Ca. draw reuslts online


New member
Dec 26, 2005
Modoc County, California
California's draw results are now online. I drew X3A, my own backyard which is fan-freaking-tastic. I also drew Likely Tables speed goat, also in my own backyard, which is incredible. Fish and Game showed some mercy and decided not to make me the most hated man in the county by not drawing me for the NE Rocky Mtn. Elk hunt here. Now I got some reloading work to do and aww crap I don't even want to think about it, I'll just enjoy being drawn for today and get to work tomorrow.
Good for you hdog and good luck on the home turf...I put in for the same goat hunt and X3B but was treated to this news :(

The following results were found: Year Last Name First Name Results
2006 BRIGGS MARVIN ANTELOPE: Not Drawn random # .461086
2006 BRIGGS MARVIN DEER: Drawn for C On App 70162504
2006 BRIGGS MARVIN ELK: Not Drawn random # .931887

Looks like another year of C & B tags......:BLEEP: Sorry geezers, fingers still crossed though for OR archery! hump
Uuhhh, on another site I frequent, someone was saying that the California draw result postings were glitched somehow, and I might NOT have drawn X3a just like Heelerdog. I don't know what to think now, and if the system glitched -why would it assign me an Appointment number? For right now, life is good.
I believe it was a test and someone forgot to shut it off. I do not believe that the results posted were fake. That is a mountain of data entry for no particular reason. What happened was they entered the actual results, ran a test, forgot to shut it off, everyone checks their draw, some self important arseho at DFG gets wind of it and freaks out because they have now proven it DOES NOT take forever and a day to get the results up. During his freak out he shuts it down and puts the "spin" on it that it was atest and the results were fake. VOILA!

At least I hope thats it because I drew dammit. Friggin DFG summabishes!
Ya got me all excited, I went and checked, no results till 6-26.
I hope you drew and I hope I got your Shasta elk tag !!!!!

By the way, I've got a couple of buddies who WILL hate you for drawing a Likely Tables goat tag.
Believe you me....DFG can and does fugg up! Four years ago I went to "check results" on-line and my name didn't even show up in the data base (and I had actually hand delivered the apps in Sac that year). Went to the local Redding office and they typed me such animal named Marv existed as well :BLEEP: Called the main office in Sac and they couldn't "find me" either! I said, you know that's odd because I always pay the app fee with my credit card and it shows here you charged me so how can I not "exist" in your data base?? I asked to speak to the head of the licensing branch (can't recall HER name) and after about 10 minutes on hold I magically "appeared" but, of course, didn't draw a damn thing! Smelt as fishy as Sneeekums socks after a tough night in the mosh pit :mad: I drove down to Sac (2-1/2 hrs) to raise holly hell and see if I could at least get an alternate status on one of the hunts and they basically brushed me aside with the "chit happens- deal with it hunter boy". At times (most) I just HATE this friggin state |oo
Heelerdog, thanks for the clairification -life is still good. And A-con is right, drawing a pronghorn Likely Table ticket will make everyone envious. I'm heading up there on the 29th with all of my loony cousins to snag some fish. I'll let you know what I see. Dave
Nothing drawn here.....just two archery deer tags. I drew likely tables antelope in 2001 (archery) and had a good hunt. Ended up arrowing a record book goat on day 3. LOTS of speed goats up there, especially if you get out and scout. Good luck.
Marv, I'm heading to Rodney Fornaloy's ranch 5-10 miles due east from Likely off of 395. Then Blue Lakes, then cruzing a portion of X3a. The thing is -my cousin is hauling my carcass up there so I might be able to spot for animals as we go. Could be a problem if we head up there during the night though -wont be able to see much. Gonna be looking for browns in Rodney's creeks. Directly alongside those creeks are giant flats where some large herds of prongers hang out -these herds filter back and forth from the Tables onto Rodney's property -so maybe I can get a feel for what the animals are doing, how big the bucks are, herd size, condition, etc.
Let me know what to look for and exactly where "3 Res" area is, and I'll scope it out. (Do you mean 3 Reservior (sp) area? Dave
I got me one of them there Likely Tables tags too (archery)! DFG also threw in a late season blacktail rut hunt (archery) too. Hope good luck comes in threes. That would mean I have a Az archery elk tag to look forward to. It's gonna be a very busy summer and fall for me. Ed F
MarvB, tried to send you a PM, but the link said that your mailbox was full and you needed to delete stuff to make room before any more PMs can be sent. I will check out the area you suggested if I get a chance (my cousin is driving). I was spelling Rodney's last name phonetically: "Floor-uh-noy" as I've forgotten how to spell it. You seem to have aced it: FLOURNEY. He owns most of Jess Valley & the water rights and is fairly famous for rebuilding Pierce Arrow roadsters -his work can be seen at Harrah's. He has adopted a 19th century cowboy lifestyle and is pretty religious. We talking about the same cat? Dave
HD, negative. But a X3a deer tag appears to be in the works. If you hunt anywhere near Schaffer Mountain or hang out at at the bar in Adin (after hunting hours), we may bump into each other. Small world -lotsa folks know Rodney. Used to camp out on his ranch alot when it was a little easier to pull an X3b tag. Shot a real nice one on a peak around 1987 or so. DD
Dave- Mailbox has been lightened a little ;)

Yup, same guy! Haven't been up there (hunting that is) in years.
Definately head up towards the res. area if time allows...we used to hunt that entire rim out almost every Fall back in the 80's. Now can't seem to get drawn more than about once every 3-4 years :( Still drive up every now and then to pop sage rats. I might start giving (the apps that is) it a go for archery if my luck (lack of) continues....
I don't have plans on hunting down there. I'm 98% sure i've already have my guy picked out. I chased his Daddy around the hills three years ago and the only shot he gave me was a Texas heart Shot and i couldn't do it to him. I saw Sonny Boy while coyote hunting and all I can say is me likey. However I could slip on down there to tip a few when the hunting day is over.

Are you going to come up and kill some sage rats this year?
Copy that, Heelerdog. I'll still give the 3 Res area an eyeball for Marv if I get a chance. Will try to give you a general outlook about what I see around the Likely Table area. We all know that antelope populations are cyclic and they can roam for miles every day. I also want to see how the water and feed is doing. Good luck on sniffing out your goat. DD
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