Buying Ammo in California

Agreed... first guns legislation was proposed by Reagan in fear of the black panthers... lest we forget.

Of all the shitty hunting legislation that has come to California, the mountain lion ban is paramount, and the battle cry for so many hunters.....yet none of them will ever mention the fact that Prop 117 wasn't what put the ban in was Reagan's ink first in 1971 with a moratorium on hunting mountain lions.

We recently had a R introduce a legislation for hog hunting that would have added no new tools to the management tool box, but just paid landowners out of the Big Game Management Account.

Momma taught me to look Left AND Right before you cross the street, and check your blindspot.
The thing to keep in mind is the the discourse is controlled by the far left and right screaming at each other, the middle doesn't agree with either. A lot can change fast.
1,000,000% disagree, while it might start on the extremes, the source of our dysfunctional discourse is everyday people spreading lies. Maybe those lies started at the extremes, but when you're sane neighbors and coworkers are simply lying to make the other side look bad, intentional or not, that's what causes people to lose their freakin' minds with each other.
Of all the shitty hunting legislation that has come to California, the mountain lion ban is paramount, and the battle cry for so many hunters.....yet none of them will ever mention the fact that Prop 117 wasn't what put the ban in was Reagan's ink first in 1971 with a moratorium on hunting mountain lions.

We recently had a R introduce a legislation for hog hunting that would have added no new tools to the management tool box, but just paid landowners out of the Big Game Management Account.

Momma taught me to look Left AND Right before you cross the street, and check your blindspot.

2 examples over a 50 year period?

I’ve pointed out many times, even on this very site that Reagan was wrong on the mountain lion ban.

I’m not even saying republicans are better, I’m not even a republican, specifically in California they are just less of a threat to outdoorsman. Obviously we look at Both sides..

Come on guys, ya can try and spin it how ever ya want, I could literally break the server providing links to state and local anti gun/anti hunting Legislation in California introduced specifically by liberal, leftist, progressive democrats.
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2 examples over a 50 year period?

I’ve pointed out many times, even on this very site that Reagan was wrong on the mountain lion ban.

I’m not even saying republicans are better, I’m not even a republican, specifically in California they are just less of a threat to outdoorsman. Obviously we look at Both sides..

Come on guys, ya can try and spin it how ever ya want, I could literally break the server providing links to state and local laws and Legislation in California introduced by specifically by liberal, leftist, progressive democrats.

I'm not spinning anything, I'm just saying it's more complex then D's hate guns and hunting and all California's are D's
Newsome is a Dem.

I'm not spinning anything, I'm just saying it's more complex then D's hate guns and hunting and all California's are D's

Agreed, and all I’m saying is specifically in CA, In my adult life the vast majority of legislation that negatively effects gun owners and therefore outdoorsman has been written and passed by folks from one party. The laws don’t work and the more they don’t work the more they write..

Fact: Prop 63 was authored by Newsome and lawyers from giffords law center, aka Dems..
Bloomberg and O Rourke are Dem Presidential candidates calling for major gun control.
Easy to see where gun control is coming from. I get that some want to vote for them based on other reasons, but this issue is out in the open.
If you want to buy hunting rounds, it’s worth thinking about.
Anti-gun is bi-partisan and pro gun is bi-partisan. Bloomberg used to have an R behind his name. Now he's a D. Schwarzenegger was an R, but he was a big liberal and an awful politician/person. Focus on the individuals, not the party.
Some answers to a couple of your earlier questions.
Can I purchase enough ammo at one time to last a season? Yes I can and that is why I haven't needed to do anything yet. I have a few rounds to get me by. I find it hard to believe that others did not do this.
Can I reload? There are currently no restrictions on loading components. That is plan B for us. Supplies have already been purchased. We loaded for years then just stopped for a variety of different reasons.
Can I import ammo? NO no and no. The only way to legally import any ammo is to ship it to an FFL gun store.

I personally don't see a huge problem for us to reload rifle ammo other than the time invested. Now for serious waterfowl hunters it is difficult at best to load 3.5 inch steel for ducks and geese. My 3 Ponsness loaders only load 2 3/4 inch shells and never did work well on large shot or steel. So going forward I really don't think the Ponsness loaders will get much use since we can no longer shoot lead shot at anything that is alive. Targets only. I have been giving my lead shot to guys who pour fishing jigs for me.

My plan is to buy another gun so I get in the system. I had a deal worked out for a used gun and it fell through. The local Bass Pro had a sign that stated they would do private party transfers very cheaply so we shall see. I am only interested in a really good deal right now since I don't really need another gun.
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2 examples over a 50 year period?

I’ve pointed out many times, even on this very site that Reagan was wrong on the mountain lion ban.

I’m not even saying republicans are better, I’m not even a republican, specifically in California they are just less of a threat to outdoorsman. Obviously we look at Both sides..

Come on guys, ya can try and spin it how ever ya want, I could literally break the server providing links to state and local anti gun/anti hunting Legislation in California introduced specifically by liberal, leftist, progressive democrats.

I'm not spinning anything either, it's clear where most of this shit comes from, just highlighting complexity.....the California sporting caucus is chaired by Jim Frazier, a D and he hosts an annual trap/skeet shoot that gets his colleagues out to the range.
Some answers to a couple of your earlier questions.
Can I purchase enough ammo at one time to last a season? Yes I can and that is why I haven't needed to do anything yet. I have a few rounds to get me by. I find it hard to believe that others did not do this.
Can I reload? There are currently no restrictions on loading components. That is plan B for us. Supplies have already been purchased. We loaded for years then just stopped for a variety of different reasons.
Can I import ammo? NO no and no. The only way to legally import any ammo is to ship it to an FFL gun store.

I personally don't see a huge problem for us to reload rifle ammo other than the time invested. Now for serious waterfowl hunters it is difficult at best to load 3.5 inch steel for ducks and geese. My 3 Ponsness loaders only load 2 3/4 inch shells and never did work well on large shot or steel. So going forward I really don't think the Ponsness loaders will get much use since we can no longer shoot lead shot at anything that is alive. Targets only. I have been giving my lead shot to guys who pour fishing jigs for me.

My plan is to buy another gun so I get in the system. I had a deal worked out for a used gun and it fell through. The local Bass Pro had a sign that stated they would do private party transfers very cheaply so we shall see. I am only interested in a really good deal right now since I don't really need another gun.

I appreciate the response!
@Quackillr and @3855WIN 100% agree with both your points

But we can't loose sight of the fact that that their aren't just two set "teams" it's fluid.

Just a few months ago AB 1254 banned the hunting of bobcats proposed by.... an urban democrat then voted for by urban democrats then signed into law by democratic governor hair gel Newsom. So while you’re partially correct that their aren’t just two teams, it’s frustrating because sportsman in the golden state are overwhelmingly the whipping boys for the D party

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