NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Buying Ammo in California

What a mess. I love the part where they extol the improvement in the system after people waited 4 months to purchase ammo due to a clerical error...
There are also a lot of store clerks who do not understand the rules and insist on a "Real ID" to even fill out an application. A new Real ID is not required to buy ammo. I know one CHP officer that had a problem with a store clerk and had to get the manager of the business to make his purchase. I guess our police officers don't need ammo.

Personally I have not purchased a new gun or registered an existing one so for now I cannot buy ammo.
The Real ID is a separate issue that coincided with the background check rollout and made things much more complicated. That problem primarily stemmed from people automatically renewing licenses, not opting for a Real ID and having a license that notes "Federal Limits Apply"

It's been a shit show for sure, I haven't had any issues since I've purchased firearms and opted for a Real ID on renewal, but certainly many have. I asked Ryan Sabalow (the reporter) if the 101 prohibited person denials resulted in arrest and he said the DOJ declined to comment on the story.
I've had to show my passport as they would not accept my current license (non real id) but legally valid for ammo purchases as it does not state not valid for federal purposes.
“Common sense gun laws“, saving the lives of the citizens of the californiastan one box of lead free bird shot at a time.. Watching my friends Facebook posts the days leading up to waterfowl season was pretty entertaining..Guys who bought licenses and Drew great refuge reservations but couldn’t buy steel shot and guys who had it but couldn’t transfer it to a friend without breaking the law. Hahaha! What a joke.
I live in California and if wasn’t for the goddamn liberal leftist running this once great state into the gutter, it’d be a great place. This is just another example of what “common sense” gun laws morph into so please if you live in a state that proposes any “common sense” gun laws please for the love of god oppose them at all cost. Because as soon as any Mayor McCheese politician gets elected they trade in their brain and spine in order to cater to the lowest common denominator.🤬🤬🤬🤬
Nothing is that black and white, it passed with 63% of the vote only 43% of the electorate are Democrats.

Californians wanted it, 63% is a pretty massive margin.

(I’m not a fan of the law)
Democrat or leftists rule California if you disagree I don’t know what to say man.
Democrat or leftists rule California if you disagree I don’t know what to say man.
Is your reading comprehension that bad?

I remember 8 years of the Terminator not that long ago, and if you think CA restrictions started since then you're full of bs
Is your reading comprehension that bad?

I remember 8 years of the Terminator not that long ago, and if you think CA restrictions started since then you're full of bs
I read just fine pard don’t go insulting my intelligence calm down this isn’t a Maxine Waters rally.
Nothing is that black and white, it passed with 63% of the vote only 43% of the electorate are Democrats.

Californians wanted it, 63% is a pretty massive margin.

(I’m not a fan of the law)

Sorta misleading, only 23% of the electorate is republican. Nearly Twice as many democrats in the electorate, rural California (the red counties away from the coast/half the states landmass) overwhelmingly voted against it. One thing to keep in mind, in California, it’s not like a bunch of the independents are somewhere between Democrat and Republican, A big percentage of independents are far left of the Democratic mainstream.

For my entire adult life every piece of anti gun, anti hunting, anti fishing legislation introduced was by a politician/person with a D for political affiliation. California has been run by Democrats since the early 90’s and it’s gone to crap ever since. Admittedly I don’t know if shitholes elect a majority Democratic politicians or if when the majority is Democratic politicians they turn places to shitholes, but the two seem to be synonymous. While I acknowledge this isn’t the case in every state, and that in places like Montana and Wyoming etc democrats exist that may not be a threat to our lifestyle that is simply not the case In California. There is a reason California outdoorsman are fleeing like refugees to places like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming... Why do you think I’m here in Montana? I love the Sierras, the American river canyon, bowman lake the vast wetlands complexes of the Sacramento valley, all hold a special place in my heart. But I had to flee for sake of my family and my lifestyle.. we’re not fleeing the land we’re fleeing what the majority wants, just like you said, and the majority happen to be democrats..
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There are more registered Democrats than Republicans in CA.

But there are more registered Democrats than Republicans in the US as a whole and a republican is president and republican's control the senate. (Lots of people are going to blame jerrymandering for that). In fact there are more registered independent or third party voters than either D or R. To take that further only a small portion of either party always votes with either party or agrees with them on even 50% of their platform.

The point of my comment is that this prop passing with 63% of the vote means that lots of republicans, independents and democrats voted for it. Contrary to popular belief there are lots of gun owning democrats so I highly doubt within the group of voters who were registered democrats higher than 80% voted for this prop.

It's super easy to throw out "commie liberal" or "racist conservative" but both of these are equally ridiculous. These bills pass because of messaging. Gun advocates are losing in lots of states because they suck at articulating their point of view, and/or addressing the concerns of their neighbors.

Similar to hunting, if you want to keep hunting you need to be able to effectively communicate to your vegan neighbor why would should be allowed to continue hunting.


That point aside this is a comically dumb law, I really do feel for sportsmen and women in California. Can you all at least plan ahead and buy your entire seasons worth of ammo at once or is it capped? Also how does this law impact re-loaders?

Say I move to CA in 2020, I do most of my reloading with my FIL in CO (just something we like to do together) do you think I will have any issues driving back to CA with my reloads or flying back with them in my gun case or is that component of the law not really enforced?
What quackillr said above ^^^
For my entire adult life every piece of anti gun, anti hunting, anti fishing legislation introduced was by a politician/person with a D for political affiliation.

Fair, my point is that not every person who voted or it was a D nor did every D vote for it.

The two party paradigm is wrong.
Sorta misleading, only 23% of the electorate is republican. Nearly Twice as many democrats in the electorate, rural California (the red counties away from the coast/half the states landmass) overwhelmingly voted against it. One thing to keep in mind, in California, it’s not like a bunch of the independents are somewhere between Democrat and Republican, A big percentage of independents are far left of the Democratic mainstream.

For my entire adult life every piece of anti gun, anti hunting, anti fishing legislation introduced was by a politician/person with a D for political affiliation. California has been run by Democrats since the early 90’s and it’s gone to crap ever since. Admittedly I don’t know if shitholes elect majority Democratic politicians or the majority Democratic politicians turn places to shitholes, but the two seem to be synonymous. While I acknowledge this isn’t the case in every state, and that in places like Montana and Wyoming etc democrats exist that may not be a threat to our lifestyle that is simply not the case In California. There is a reason California outdoorsman are fleeing like refugees to places like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming... Why do you think I’m here in Montana? I love the Sierras, the American river canyon, bowman lake the vast wetlands complexes of the Sacramento valley, all hold a special place in my heart. But I had to flee for sake of my family and my lifestyle.. we’re not fleeing the land we’re fleeing what the majority wants, just like you said, and the majority happen to be democrats..

Bowman lake holds a special place in my heart. Loved getting into desolation wilderness area.
For my entire adult life every piece of anti gun, anti hunting, anti fishing legislation introduced was by a politician/person with a D for political affiliation. California has been run by Democrats since the early 90’s and it’s gone to crap ever since.
Seriously? WTF, Does no one remember that the Kindergarten Cop was governor for 8 years, 2003 to 2011? He was a Republican. Or the fact the Reagan as California Governor supported gun control.

And as best I can tell half of the serious anti-hunting and all of the anti-fishing regulations are all driven by the Republican party. Every attack on MT's stream access laws come from the right. Every attack on the places I hunt, the habitat the allows the things I hunt to even exist, comes from the right.

Everyone bashes on how divided this country is. We're freakin' divided because everyone keeps spreading lies about the other side and vilifying them as some inhuman boogy man that doesn't exist.
Seriously? WTF, Does no one remember that the Kindergarten Cop was governor for 8 years, 2003 to 2011? He was a Republican. Or the fact the Reagan as California Governor supported gun control.

And as best I can tell half of the serious anti-hunting and all of the anti-fishing regulations are all driven by the Republican party. Every attack on MT's stream access laws come from the right. Every attack on the places I hunt, the habitat the allows the things I hunt to even exist, comes from the right.

Everyone bashes on how divided this country is. We're freakin' divided because everyone keeps spreading lies about the other side and vilifying them as some inhuman boogy man that doesn't exist.

Agreed... first guns legislation was proposed by Reagan in fear of the black panthers... lest we forget.

Although it's complicated

Since 1943 California has had 50 years of Republican Govs and 27 years of Democrats.
Since 11' Dems have held the Gov, Senate, and Assembly
Since before 92' Dems have controlled the state Senate

In recent history Dems have had a government trifecta but Republicans have not.

My guess is that the democratic lock is based on a just a couple of issues maybe just one, I suspect that it wouldn't take much for republicans to gain control of the state, I think immigration is the main reason the party is struggling in CA.
(Not opening the can of worms on immigration or voicing an opinion, just stating a fact)

I think if the party changed it's stance and came up with a good housing plan they would take over.

The thing to keep in mind is the the discourse is controlled by the far left and right screaming at each other, the middle doesn't agree with either. A lot can change fast.

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