Buddy's First Bear


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Eastern Washington
Well a good friend of mine has been excited to try and kill a bear. I started up a couple of baits on August 30 when the Idaho season opened. Have had one big jet black bear on it since I started it. About 2 weeks ago I finally picked up a second bear on the site. Once he joined in, they started to show themselves in the daylight. Last night was our
5th sit on the bait, and at 5:28 this awesome colored boar made an appearance. Needless to say, my buddy is pumped to have his first bear.

Nice bear! I'm very jealous of everyone getting all this bear action in right now. Congrats to your buddy.

Do you guys hunt them on your side of the border at all? I saw an absolute toad cream colored bear on Sherman pass by Republic this spring. Would've been a bear of a lifetime.
It looks like quite a few fall bears are getting tagged.I bet its a good way to spend some time in some awesome country. Keep them coming.