Buddy just got back

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
Jorge and Moe just got back from Zim. They had a great time, although Jorge got chewed on a bit by a leopard. He tried for a heart shot, got one or both shoulders (I'm not sure - I just had one conversation with him,) and then they had to track him in the failing light. Jorge saw a large clot of blood and then saw a blur coming at him from about 20 feet away. The PH got one round into it before it hit Jorge. Moe was holding the lights. The cat grabbed Jorge by the leg and started chewing and trying to get higher...Jorge got it off his leg so the PH could shoot again, but got his arm bit and scratched up doing so. From what Moe said, Jorge shouted, "That was f.....g great!" And then fell over. Not a faint, as he was still conscious - just the effect of the adrenaline running out.

They cleaned him up the best they could on the spot, loaded up the cat and went back to camp where they worked on his wounds some more with antiseptic/antibiotic cream after he washed them out with soap and water. Jorge also had some oral antibiotics and he took several of those. The next day, they drove a half day to the nearest clinic, where chickens were running around inside and there was an open bag of feed. They has no electricity, so they used their spotlights. The doctor took a tongue depressor, wrapped a bunch of gauze around it, dipped it in a bottle of iodine and proceed to scrape and scrub the crap out of each wound, and some were pretty deep. Jorge tells me he would rather face another leopard than that doctor.

He also got two huge shots of penicillin, one in each cheek. Moe said Jorge looked someone had worked him over when he came out of the clinic. Not physically marked, just totally drained and pale.

Jorge was back hunting in 2 days and took an elephant with 50 lb tusks as well as a nice Cape buffalo bull.
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Wow! Now that is a full on African adventure! Sounds like your buddy is going to be ok and have a story and memory of a lifetime. The grand kids will love that one.
That will be a cool scar to have. I`m glad he will be alright and he probably hated it at the time but you know he will be proud of that one. How many people can say that they were attacked by a leopard, and "it`s in the living room beside the elepant and buffalo!" Not very many! :D
Jorge may come home with a different perspective than me, but I do not think follow up on wounded cats is at all exciting...I found it intensly draining...total mental and physical exhaustion...nine hours on day one, a second round into the lion at dusk on day 2 and four hours in the Jess on Day 3 to finish the deal...the only reason he did not come twice was where he layed up to watch his back trail was too thick for him to charge thru with his wounds but a lion roaring from 10 yds and going the other way raises the hackles on your neck. When asked several times aren't I glad it went down that way so I would have an "exciting" story, my answer is HELL NO! Dead with one shot on the spot, period...it was not exciting!
Strange but I actually enjoy follow up on Cape Buffalo but not on a dam cat!!
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