Bow case: soft or hard side?


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2010
Bozeman, MT
I looked at some bow cases and didn't like how huge the hard sided ones are. I'm not even sure where I'd store the bow in a case that large and it would take up a lot of space in the vehicle.

With reasonable care, is a soft case good enough?
I have a soft case and yes, it's good for local hunting, but if you plan to travel, airline, etc, I would go with a hard case.
IMO hard case is better, even if bulkier. Bows are more fragile than a scoped rifle and I use a hard case for them if at all possible.
I bought a hard case for long hauling. I used to bring a soft case for local stuff but not since my upgrades. I have an older bow but i invested in quality components that can take a beating. TightSpot, RipCord. MBG sight, i know mostly just use that cheap Primos sling bow strap to protect the cams and that is it. Again, for longer hauls the hard case comes out but 90% of the time I just use that Primos sling strap.
I agree, hard case is the way to go. I have a nice SKB case that is bulletproof. However, I've been eyeing a Tenzing soft case that looks to have plenty of padding. This would be nice when just traveling short distances.
why would you not go with a hard case? I guess if you want something low profile for a four wheeler or quick truck ride you might want a soft case but for the one go to case, I would go with the hard case.
Check out the cabelas armor extreme lite tactical case. If you have a bow under 36 inches in length it works perfect. I think it is designed for ar-15 type rifles but it is compact and very durable. I have been using one for a few years now. Plus they have them on sale for $75.
Unless it's the law, why even bother with a soft case. To protect get a hard case.
Unless it's the law, why even bother with a soft case. To protect get a hard case.

I'm not sure what you mean. Hard cases take up so much space compared to the soft cases. I just need it for taking the bow to the range etc.
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