PEAX Equipment


That appears to be a spotted sawyer beetle (aka spruce beetle). They are dangerous game. If one charges, the result can be fatal ... on a motorcycle at cruising speed. And like the other "black death" cape buffalo of Africa, the sawyer beetle lives in thick cover where it can surprise the unwary hiker/hunter. You may not know the sawyer beetle is there until it's bit a chunk out of you. Minimum caliber recommendation is .375 H&H.
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Trying to judge relative to its ears but having some trouble with the angle. Maybe need to see him head on.

Just don’t pass him on first day if you’d take him on the last.
Good Lord I'm sick of those things. Everywhere we are cutting firewood.
Regardless of score they all die.
Definitely shooting. The bodies on those things are small compared to the horns (think ibex or caribou) so when you see he has more than ass-scratcher length on those ebony beauties, you start ranging and putting the crosshairs on the thorax. The euro mount is going to be sweet! (does the skull whiten on beetles, or stay black?)

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